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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Cornfusion seems cornfused. Sorry bro.
  2. I see nothing but success and multiple national championships for Mr. Deion. You're a real man Deion. A real man, I'll say that.
  3. It's usually another condition, dementia just aids it by not allowing the brain to function properly. I'm not a doctor. but I do work with hotels.
  4. He actually had a chance to play for the Chiefs I guess, which would have kept him closer to home, but chose to play in Chicago instead. That would have been an interesting alternate history line, especially considering the Chiefs played in 2 SB's during that time period, and hell who knows, maybe they beat Lombardi's Packers and Namath is just another great Jets QB(lol)
  5. Gayle? Imagine that, 2 of the greatest to ever play the game both born in little ol' Wichita. Air and RB capitol of the World I suppose. RIP Gale
  6. says the millenial
  7. Does that say Desert Eagle point five O?
  8. I think James, Zach and Wes 2.0 should be your first additions. Seriously, I could get you 3 new players at 250/mo. minimum that would be 44 times greater than the output those 3 have had this month. That 750 would have you up 4 spots to 35th place right now. Yes I'm an asshole. That's about the only thoughts I have about this, using it as a dump off for those underachieving, which number more than those 3 but at least the rest are actively trying. 17 points for 3 people, that is shockingly low.
  9. she should have seen that coming
  10. So Jason Whitten comes out of retirement......to end up playing with the Raiders? 2020 go fuck yourself
  11. That really should have gone in the "Post a picture where someone says "Holy Shit" thread.
  12. opt out? Of what? not playing? He's opting out of not playing to not play? It's a free fucking year why the fuck would you opt out?
  13. It's always been fascinating to me how Nebraska beats the fuck out of teams (KSU, Maryland) that Texas struggles the fuck out of.
  14. It's a big stretch. Did anyone else get flashbacks to Pat Summerall when they showed Moose in the booth? HOLY SHIT
  15. Time to shit or get off the pot. If you're skeered you can get in my pocket.
  16. Did she save one for a donut? Check the "D" file. This is actually me, I save every receipt. I've been thru basically two divorces and I've proven plenty of bullshit fired against me because of those receipts. I highly recommend keeping every one if the woman you're married to is crazy (ha).
  17. I haven't, not even tits magee with cat pasties. Fuck em all, inbred fucks, just like Misery fans.
  18. Scott Frost's father passed away last night, he was a good dude. Played on some of the late 60's teams the set the stage for the 1st and 2nd NC's. RIP
  19. Didn't they play Texas pretty tough last year?
  20. He's a corn farmer, so it's actually shuck you. KSU fans have been entitled fucks since the mid 90's
  21. 3/4 of the way thru 2020 and I still haven't laughed at a female comedy bit. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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