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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. This kid is a fucking head case. You blitz this fucker early and often, you'll get to see the backup real quick. Build the hype, can't wait to see it torn down.
  2. If you're bakers dad, does the pride you have for him becoming an NFL QB become quelled because you also realize what a fucking dipshit douche he is? I would have to think yes. Has to respond, always. Has to, no matter who it is. This is one really dumb dude.
  3. knees must be sore from kneeling the whole offseason suckin' dick
  4. Some of Surly has only been watching football since '95. They are not your audience.
  5. '95 huh, wow I stand corrected. That is a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time to watch football no doubt. Stand back everyone. You also don't read well, the lady comment wasn't directed at you, corn boy.
  6. Probably, seems like a real asshole.
  7. How you feeling about now limp dick You are a lady and you bitch too much
  8. Nothing crazy about this. ASTATE played better and legit looked like the more talented team. AState dominated. Score should have been more spread than it was, AS made some dumb mistakes early on that cost em points. Thanks for the check, later kitties
  9. I had picked up a MSFS 2002 copy at an estate sale 2 or 3 years ago and listed it for sale on my eBay acct. It sold in the last month, thought that was interesting since this came out about the exact same time as the purchase. Any correlation to this one that a full documented copy from 2002 would entice one to buy it?
  10. After sitting in exactly the same type of scenario the past 2 months, I knew there was no way possible that without some mid level grinders 20-50 that moving up was in the cards. I'm curious if the team I was on is in contention because we were finally getting some #'s after sitting at 25-30 players for 2 months. No regrets though, as I had no connection to the team, just got recruited and took the jump. I'll be in this team til you disband it. Would be great to pick up 10-15 this month and 10-15 the next and be in great position to move up in November.
  11. Seems like most of you header haters are Ford guys. Just pointing that out.
  12. Kevin Warren is the fucking commissioner of the B1G because he represented the family who bought the MN Vikings. Great hire there, B1G.
  13. Remember? Who could forget with you reminding us time after time after time after time after time......
  14. You're exactly right, which is another reason I'm sticking around in that range. Mostly guys around 750-1000 trophies, probably already mostly in M1 or M2, but I still invite every single one that registers over 500 pts from last season. You get 25 guys like that, we're moving up. I bet I've recruited close to 300 since I joined you and I'm not sure that even one has joined. Just gotta keep pluggin. You've also got dead weight in the bottom 5 there's probably 4 or 5 guys there with a combined 20 pts. That's BS unless they're on a two week sabbatical or something, there's no fucking reason they shouldn't have been able to come up with 4-500 points so far combined. There's 29 on the roster but only 25 or so are really playing. It's your team, your call. I'm sure you already realize what I'm saying, just calling em out, hate that leeching bullshit. Oh and watch out for that RT Lange fucker, he's nothing but trouble.
  15. Yep, I run two, two separate paypal, two different accounts. If you run on same comp use separate browsers ( I use chrome for one, firefox for the other) Phones/Ipads are harder, they like to lock in on one. Good on the run, but laptop is your best friend. One acct is my original and one is the old ladys. I sell the girly shit on hers and the manly stuff on mine. Works well.
  16. hit play and lookie that header glow WOW, I want one.
  17. Normally I use wet wipes, but to conserve when I know I'm going to shower immediately after, I'll use same shitty toilet paper as the rest of you that doesn't do shit knowing full well I'll have the full use of 80+ psi to get the shit completely out of my crack in the shower. Nothing bigger than a pinkie nail, my shower head don't fuck around.
  18. I'd give them a second look. To figure out what the fuck I was looking at.
  19. Kansas pays Oklahoma to take our shit away, I'm not kidding. Construction seemed less this time through the shithole and some good news they finally raised the fucking speed limit to match TX and KS so I don't have to fucking adjust it every fucking time I travel between them. Gotdamn redneck idiots.
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