Hey look, I know we're way past this but there was one thing not mentioned during the commentary about the McCloskeys. You look at the picture and you see huge houses and assume it's a wonderful area. It's not. I lived within a mile of this area as the first place I lived in St. Louis and it's a shithole, the area and the city. I guarantee they hear gunshots routinely. I've stated it before, I've somehow lived 45 years of my life with zero issues from where I was living. The other 5 were in STL and one of the assaults was at gunpoint in this very area. So if I'm them and living not only in ShiThoLe, Misery, but this neighborhood? You're gotdamn right I'm armed and aware of what is happening because it's an ongoing day to day problem.
As stated, they're shitty people (read below if you want to know why, great stuff btw, would love to see the movie.)