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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Nowthis?
  2. Pretty sure that wasn't real
  3. I'm sure there is some other Husker fans with nothing to do right now.
  4. Aw cmon guys, it's so simple. Maybe you need a refresher course. HIIIIIIIYAAA
  5. Some of the best ones I've seen involve doing it in a barrel if you're limited on space
  6. We need Mack Brown, about 30 players short. Scares you to death.
  7. Unfortunately for you, we didn't get paired up, I'd have ending your streak real quick. Alright alright geez
  8. I think we're fighting the wrong fight here. How many lives has pussy taken? Not as many as it's given, true.....
  9. "You first"
  10. That's not true at all, I personally did all this with my ex-wife.
  11. seeing a whole lot of Superman II plot line there. More lazy film making, do they think we forget?
  12. Art of the Steal - Russell, Dillon and others plan a heist. Heist movies are always good, so it gets a thumbs up for that Top Gun - Hadn't watched this in years, showed the old lady, she'd never seen it in its entirety (foreigner) so it was a quality watch.
  13. Yeah, my kid showed me that, worth the watch if you got the time.
  14. Yeah, I understand, but I'm a loyalass mf (Dolphins and Huskers fan). Will definitely jump when the league is done though.
  15. Hey look, I know we're way past this but there was one thing not mentioned during the commentary about the McCloskeys. You look at the picture and you see huge houses and assume it's a wonderful area. It's not. I lived within a mile of this area as the first place I lived in St. Louis and it's a shithole, the area and the city. I guarantee they hear gunshots routinely. I've stated it before, I've somehow lived 45 years of my life with zero issues from where I was living. The other 5 were in STL and one of the assaults was at gunpoint in this very area. So if I'm them and living not only in ShiThoLe, Misery, but this neighborhood? You're gotdamn right I'm armed and aware of what is happening because it's an ongoing day to day problem. As stated, they're shitty people (read below if you want to know why, great stuff btw, would love to see the movie.) https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/the-st-louis-couple-charged-with-waving-guns-at-protesters-have-a-long-history-of/article_281d9989-373e-53c3-abcb-ecd0225dd287.html
  16. not deep enough for me personally. pass.
  17. So I placed in the top 97 percentile in the tournament. Meaning I took 97th place. Fucking terrible. Aced the qualification as if it was no big deal, beat guys straight up with way better stats. Couldn't buy a fucking shot in that tourney. Ridiculous. Back over 200k though, so can't complain. We aren't gonna make Master II, so I'll be heading over next week if you'll have me HH.
  18. I know my EP's boomed when we had a cool spell right before august (mid 80's with rain) then back up in the 90's since with no rain, and no produce. I expect them to kick back up next week when we're back in the mid 80's and should be good from there.
  19. When I started working on car stereos 35 years ago, I didn't know shit and this type of issue could have easily happened to the "next" guy. Don't assume anything. Look at every damn wire under the dash very closely and see if they "pegged" any wires when testing for a hot lead. Hell, my method back then was two touch wires together and see if they spark, if they don't, mark it as a speaker wire. Imagine everyone else does the same thing, you might just find it right there in front of you.
  20. Must be a narrow angle shot because I can't see the other 3 cameras.
  21. You know those fast food places that have two drive thru lanes? I pick the wrong one, every. single. time.
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