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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Gonna be real interesting when he comes out.
  2. heart conditions I'm betting.
  3. You're a real man Huckleberry, I'll say that.
  4. HAHA Athlon, wrong again, undefeated! https://athlonsports.com/college-football/nebraska-football-game-game-predictions-2020 they just can't. stay. here.
  5. SEC world champs again
  6. Hey, they're really good at cheating. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/big12/2020/08/08/oklahoma-sooners-pause-preseason-football-camp/3329688001/ Anybody want to explain to me how this is anything other than about money?
  7. Considering how 2020 has played out, seems like perfect timing for a Nebraska win over Texas
  8. Think Brohm is rethinking his decision to stay now?
  9. I ain't reading 6 pages of Karen. Just wanted to point out an Alabama fan complaining about anything is about as millennial as it gets.
  10. I already knew my response before I even got to the second page to see this. "You mean like Harrison Ford's acting?"
  11. I haven't sold a single thing in over a month. Stimulus must have ran out.
  12. and none of that was an an indicator of a comedy? I'm not getting it.
  13. Could we hear some of the one liners that he spoked to you?
  14. plus the mascot eats chikins
  15. which of the unpaid player sports are the ones you're referring to
  16. They'll have you go somewhere to collect, then they'll nail you for the outstanding warrant you have. Cmon man this ain't rocket surgery
  17. Oh he's not dead. Not yet.
  18. We're in a 40 year old house that I'm constantly working on myself. The original insulation is still there, and at some point in the future we will address it. Keep in mind I'm 6 hours north of Dallas so it gets hot but not as humid as where most of you are. Summer time the attic is probably 130+ most days, when the outside is 90-95. The house faces south but there is good shade and some days the AC may not kick on til after noon. Would it make sense to have an attic fan to pull some of that hot air out during the day? Especially when I am working up in the attic. As it is now, I try to do early morning in summer or wait til winter. I'm not talking about running it all day, but would it benefit from time to time to recycle that air during the day and would it help the AC run more efficient/less often than it does now.
  19. I didn't stop, just driving thru. Taking kiddo back to LA he's got school next week. I've got a 5 month pregnant momma at home ain'tnobodygottimeforthat
  20. Yeah, I was comparing using the free ball. It is random, all things equal, ball, tee.....the two clubs are definitely not the same on mine. QB moves MUCH slower. I just looked to verify, QB is at 8 and EM is 6, accuracy 100 vs. 29. Sometimes I can overpower and the speed doesn't even change, that may be using a different ball though, I can't be 100% sure on that one. Same hole, same course, free ball QB swing arm moves slower than EM, when overpowered. I'll see if I can figure out how to link a vid to show you.
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