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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. You brilliant mfers are really stupid about one thing. You keep trying to apply logic where it doesn't exist. spoiler that shit man, cmon.
  2. Don't care what you say about Jimmy, he's a shoo-in for Jimmy Dean sausage commercial, don't even need a costume.
  3. Yes, swing arrow. Example, QB and EM are at same level. Same ball off the tee, QB swings much slower than EM. It is the most glaring example.
  4. This. Can't remember for sure but to upgrade that mother to a point where it becomes more competitive runs between 100-150k? Maybe more. HH, am I mistaken to think that the more accurate the club, the slower the accuracy meter moves? That's the main reason I've been picking the most accurate clubs from the start as I've gotten to learn the game, to try and eliminate that variable from the equation in taking shots and staying on the fairway with the highest % possible. If that's incorrect, I'll be making some changes in my bag for distance that I'm sacrificing for accuracy.
  5. I'm guessing it would be about the same as you would charge to blow a guy or $112.69
  6. You all have the luxury of not knowing what she knows. That, her broken arm, while tragic, created lols......and her existence, while grotesque, and incomprehensible to you, creates lols.
  7. Damn, talk about social distancing
  8. My 13 yo son pointed out to me that InO employs quite a few young curvy women. He's noticed it at multiple locations. I wasn't really paying attention.
  9. We've all tried to fuck a fitlump at one time or another, can't really fault you there. Mine had a mouth bigger than mine, thought she was gonna suck my head like a crawdad.
  10. So you're a lesbian, we don't judge.
  11. I'm no expert so anyone feel free to chime in but the only club I'd spend money on in that bag is the extra mile. I used the viper a long time until I had enough money to upgrade the sniper to level 6. I use the QB driver a lot because it is so accurate. Main bag is: Driver: QB Wood: The Sniper Liron: The Backbone Siron: The Hornet Wedge: Endbringer Riron: Razor SW: The Malibu I never touched the Horizon or Guardian Goliath, Saturn Apache, Runner, Thorn, Claw Firefly, Boomerang, Skewer Roughcutter, Offroader Castaway, Desert Storm, Sahara, Houdini Ones I built up early, but no longer use Driver: The Rocket Wood: The Viper LI: Grim Reaper SI: Kingfisher W: The Dart and Down in1 RI: The Machete (Loved that club, great backspin, just not a ton of distance and accuracy) Again, I am no expert, literally (will be next week though) so anyone feel free to edit me.
  12. Alice washed all the dishes bro......... do you even Brady Bunch?
  13. actually you're right, its every every other game.
  14. registered on a Texas board backing a team that only wins every every every other game with Texas
  15. should have split the 10 and spent 5 on that nose
  16. Yeah speaking of that, I pull up to a Love's near Shawnee OK last night around midnight. You know, Shawnee, where Brad Pitt is from? Considered one of the best looking people on the planet Brad Pitt from Shawnee OK? Yeah that one. Apparently it took every bit and to the last good looking chromosome to build Mr. Pitt. Holy shit what an ugly group of people there. And I've been to Louisiana, Texas AND Colorado.
  17. You thought a woman had it all planned out? Rookie.
  18. In and Out would be my go to between them, but have eaten twice recently at the one in Denton? and not that impressed.
  19. When those peppers get that brownish tinge to them, they. are. AWESOME
  20. We were in contention but fell off from moving to Master II. We seem to be stuck at 30 active players, a lot of recruiting but no one is jumping on, which is a bit surprising to me. The last part of this week has been interesting, all of a sudden, I'm playing better. I'm up around mid 850's and holding and if I really put the time in today, I could probably make the jump to Expert as I'm only about 100k outside of current qualifying. I'll take the late boost of confidence into next weeks contention and see if I can't get a better start out of the gate. Last weeks start was abysmal. My method on upgrading clubs from the start was to focus primarily on the ones that were most accurate. I've got several clubs that I've never upgraded once as I cannot see a possibility of them ever becoming better than what I already have. I could be wrong on that, but based on what you wrote up stream about what clubs you primarily used, I'm pretty close to what you laid out as the most important clubs. Except for the down in one, which I was surprised by considering the number of times I've been holed out by that damn thing. Endbringer is the poon though, had been using it for quite a while. The wind challenges are definitely becoming more influential to the shots on tour 6 which is where I'm primarily playing now, mixed in with some tour 5 since they've uploaded new holes onto it for the tournament. For now, I've been bending the shots at the tee to counteract the wind and so far it's been working. We'll see how it plays out, wouldn't be the worst education to have and could become an advantage who knows. It seems like most players are only using the free ball as opposed to the gem purchased. If they're not buying balls with gems, what are they using the gems for? To me it seems worth the extra directional control, especially in a shootout, and potential distance from using them. Perhaps someone could enlighten me if that's not the case, or to what exactly gems are being used for? I'll see how the first week of the new season goes in this clan and if it doesn't start off well, I'll probably make the jump. I'm probably good for 750k-1k / month if you're ok with that.
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