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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. My head is that size but I have all my teeth.
  2. She got a phone and facebook, that's it!
  3. Proud Mary keep on burnin that candle
  4. what happened to our new friend and the sugar daddy post?
  5. Easy, houses of worship. Already set up for some bullshit CGI and fiction with full audio/video.
  6. He is literally the reason a thread like this was created. Pretty sure they didn't use his voice though.
  7. what you call hell, VC calls home
  8. This really needs to be viewed uncensored to truly be appreciated. Pure genius, classic.
  9. Babafuckingbooey shared a pot pipe with some dude during the pandemic. That has to be the mostly highly questionable 121 IQ known to man.
  10. Well at least drink your beer. That's not a twist off.
  11. Stanco none of us do it because we (the real men here anyways) don't wear size 5 kids boots. You think my fucking 13's are gonna fit in your little scrawny dishwasher? Puuuhhhlleeeze
  12. everything you wrote after this is just Charlie Browns teacher.
  13. every insta girl needs an insta cuck, photos n shit.
  14. Meh, dumbass won the girlfriend heisman though, he probably don't even give a shit about playing football now.
  15. I honestly can't remember this game
  16. Hell Brents face would look better with those tits
  17. Just order a sheepskin cover for your sofa, boom, everythings the same Don't show any gratuitous tits though, you'll get cancelled Who has 20 friends irl?
  18. something very odd about the positioning of her legs, besides the fact that they're not resting on my shoulders....
  19. I've got an aunt Karen who's about 6' tall and worked on a farm her whole life. You call her anything besides Karen and she'll likely kick your ass
  20. Rodney Alcala apparently killed half the people in Wyoming.
  21. I was ok with Lee til I noticed my sister wore them too
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