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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Well at least drink your beer. That's not a twist off.
  2. Stanco none of us do it because we (the real men here anyways) don't wear size 5 kids boots. You think my fucking 13's are gonna fit in your little scrawny dishwasher? Puuuhhhlleeeze
  3. everything you wrote after this is just Charlie Browns teacher.
  4. every insta girl needs an insta cuck, photos n shit.
  5. Meh, dumbass won the girlfriend heisman though, he probably don't even give a shit about playing football now.
  6. I honestly can't remember this game
  7. Hell Brents face would look better with those tits
  8. Just order a sheepskin cover for your sofa, boom, everythings the same Don't show any gratuitous tits though, you'll get cancelled Who has 20 friends irl?
  9. something very odd about the positioning of her legs, besides the fact that they're not resting on my shoulders....
  10. I've got an aunt Karen who's about 6' tall and worked on a farm her whole life. You call her anything besides Karen and she'll likely kick your ass
  11. Rodney Alcala apparently killed half the people in Wyoming.
  12. buy a house ya poor fucks
  13. I was ok with Lee til I noticed my sister wore them too
  14. Sarcasm and reading comprehension meters are all that appear to not be functioning correctly ya gotdamn millenial
  15. I had only Star Wars, I figured out early on that there was no way my folks were going to allow two collections. Folks kicked in for about half the SW collection, mostly figures and a few small vehicles for birthdays and christmas over 6 years I was able to collect all 64? figures. Only way I was able to get the AT-AT and MF and bigger shit like that was through mowing lawns and umping girls softball. I actually found one of these a few years back and got it for $40 I didn't remember ever seeing one when I was a kid but I knew it was worth way more than $40, as it was in great condition. Listed it on eBay for $500 and it was in my sons room for a couple years before it sold for around $450 shipped. Was kinda sad to see it go. I don't know what it sold for in '83, but THIS would have been a sign of wealth to me then.
  17. Why? just because every person under 30 who doesn't work for a tire store can't change a flat tire without a phone is no reason to panic
  18. Damn, people might actually have to figure out how to go places with a (gasp) paper map
  19. I'll probably hang on to the clan I'm in for a bit and reap the benefits of Master II that we're about to move into. Lord knows I don't belong with this group so I'll stick around as long as I can. Mostly trying to build my club arsenal there's still a few I don't have and a few I'd like to build up a little higher. Once he gets enough prime time players though, I'll probably get kicked and then I'll join up with you all. I've contemplated a few times restarting with a new acct. knowing what I know now about the game I could do better quicker, but I don't know if it would ultimately help as it seems once I get up over 700 I'm getting beat pretty consistently by peer players at that level. Probably the only way I would ever get past it would be to study the videos that you mentioned and honestly I just don't have the time to invest in that right now. I think I'm up around 700 again, time to take my whuppins
  20. I think he's older than Frost by now.
  21. That kid has at least 4 DUI's by now
  22. If a sun visor got kicked, that means legs were up in the air. Someone got some splainin to do
  23. Good vetting. I bet she had a brilliant personality.
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