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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. facehuggers throughout the galaxy start pressing the emergency beacon button
  2. BWAHAHAHA You expect a wom........a wife to be able to do ^^^^ when I can't even get her to understand that if she pulled into the garage all she has to do is pull out in reverse and AS LONG AS SHE DOESN'T TOUCH THE GOTDAMN STEERING WHEEL, she'll end up safely in the driveway just the same as when she pulled in?!?!?!?! Unless you're wife is a dude.......
  3. I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls
  4. fucker got away, must not have any interloping kids
  5. Well that's at least easier to explain than "Who's* the naked blonde chick you're in in you photos???"
  6. Missouri. You should go to Missouri. Right in the middle.
  7. Besides, everybody gets murdered in STL, that's another exemption
  8. I may or may have not done the clamp/sheet metal trick on my '75 Camaro back in the day. Very poor.
  9. I'm a rookie just getting started. What setup i this? I play on an android and it looks a bit different than this. Are people playing this on other platforms? If so, no wonder I suck so bad. I'm in a damn good clan though so that helps.
  10. Can't WAIT to hear this bullshit excuse for updates Country close down or something? HAHA YEAH RIGHT
  11. ain't watching no trailers
  12. Fucks the high school seniors as well. They have to move forward. Lose their last shot to play for most. Probably fewer transfers? Rosters would be so full, might not want to lose/give up a spot? Logistical nightmare.
  13. It's way more acceptable to come out now than it was then, no worries.
  14. Man I was really hoping that would turn in another direction starring Alice Merchesi
  15. Nobody touches that Christmas shit in the back. Nobody vacuums out their box. Nobody seals it. Dude, it's your wife fucking with you. Just not the way you want.
  16. and this is when the parents start to get involved. Just about every prediction I've ever made on here was 100% and the exact opposite is usually the result. When the NCAA tourney got called, I pretty much resigned to the fact that there would be no college football OR basketball (20-21 season). Please let me be wrong again.
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