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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. I've been thinking about using a support over the top and stringing them so this might be the thing that puts that into motion. Talked to my mom this morning, she said her plant did the same thing in the past couple days, and hers are not in the sun as much as mine, probably 2-3 hours less. They look fine this morning though, we did get 3/4" of rain and 1/2" hail this morning, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
  2. That gets counted as corona virus death then right?
  3. Actually the answer is 27 but you're close.
  4. I've owned approx 15 cellphones in my lifetime. I cracked one screen one time. A single crack across the entire face that was still completely usable. Pretty sure it was warm and I had it in my back pocket and sat on it. If the old lady had 15 cellphones in her lifetime, wanna guess how many have sustained shattered screens?
  5. Door? Cut a damn hole in the bottom.
  6. Clean your fingernails good. Walked out to the raised beds today, tomato plants were drooping badly, almost looking as if they had been stepped on. Haven't had this happen before. They were not staked because they were only about a foot tall, but to attempt to revive them, I staked them. Anyone else had this happen before? There was some wind, but I don't think that was it as we've had windier days than today. One thing I can say about these particular plants is that they doubled in size in about a week and a half. Possible they grew too fast and the stem is weak? It's been hot here, but today was not an exceptional day, it's been hotter.
  7. Well you can put those dreams out to pasture.
  8. Karma was on my side. The guy she broke up with me for died and the next guy after that she married. He's a piece of shit, always was. Congrats!
  9. She makes it look like it would feel really good. Stretch probably feels good too.
  10. Na, it made it that much easier to leave. Key word is "all".
  11. I'm guessing you didn't grow up in the 70's?
  12. Their pool house and new house they built soon after, thanks you. True story, while we were dating, they were building the new bigger badder house. The moving day was coming up and I was asked to help and of course I wanted to be the good boyfriend. I didn't think about it till after, but the whole moving day, I felt like a dead duck, everyone kinda looking at/treating me like they would never see me again. Turns out, they were right, she broke up with me the next day or so after the move was done. Called bullshit on her for doing that, she said her dad asked her to wait til the move was done so I could help them move. Dad didn't get that rich for being a dumbass.
  13. Not when they still leave 2 hours late because she hasn't packed yet. DNAguy, you completely missed a golden opp for a blowjob. "Gee honey, that's so nice of you to be thinking of me. I'm out of the timed portion, which means I can take a break while you're blowing me."
  14. shit I thought having a C64 was rich until I got one. One of my first real high school girlfriends showed me a whole nutha level. Her folks owned an equivalent Lowes/Home Depot in Wichita, long before they ever got here. They had a whole separate fucking building behind their house with an in ground pool. They also had a 4 wheeler that we would use to drive up to the top of the sled hill near the house instead of walking back up it like all the poors did after the slid down.
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