I was lucky to grow up with parents that accepted everyone into our home. I've seen what the other side looks like in my former in-laws and their beliefs. I think the good news Pancho is that these next few generations don't give a shit what the old fucks say or do, and in some ways that's bad but in this case it's really good. I've seen my oldest son grow up in that racist environment and not succumb to it, and I think it's mostly because more in his generation are empowered and speak out more than we did. It's not going to be fixed tomorrow, next week or even next year. But I really believe once these old piece of shit cowards fucks die off, then the new kids will prevail.
I talk a lot of shit about that generation because I don't understand the way they do the things they do, but I do see them doing better than mine in this area.
This country needs a ton of healing to get back to where it once was.......and hopefully these kids are the ones that make a difference.