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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 9 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    "I oppose the bill on fiscal grounds. Some people would say this is not a convenient or polite time to talk about the debt and the deficit," Massie said. "My question to them is when is the time? Because I've been here six years and we still don't have a plan for how to pay for things like disaster relief."

    Massie runs off to Vegas with his buddies and racks up $100k in credit card debt for blow and hookers.  When he gets home his wife informs him that she needs 2 new tires for her minivan since she had a blow out while driving their kids to school.  "Sorry honey, we can't get tires for the van... after all, we must be conscious of our debt."  Today's GOP.

    • Like 6
  2. 32 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    Right. If you live inland, at all, summers are hot. Last summer we had tons of triple digit days and most of the summer was in the 90s. 

    The whole "72 and sunny, 365" is a myth.

    Well fuck.  Next you’re  gonna tell us that all Cali girls are not blond big tittied 10’s walking around in thong bikinis.  

    • Like 1
  3. 53 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i actually prefer "the biggest loser", because he hates losing, and loves calling other people losers.  he also constantly claims to be winning, although not sure what he's winning.  he thinks his electoral victory made him the biggest winner of all time.  of course he also thinks the south won the civil war, and someone over there thinks the red socks won the world cup series.

    biggest loser also attacks his business acumen - the one area he's always claimed superiority (without having to back it up) - and also invokes the notion that the $1.2bb figure was leaked out - something he's trying so hard to keep from happening with his current financials.

    I call him “BLT” for Big Loser Trump....and he’s fat.

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, retread said:

    I always picture a high schooler in 2030 reading their history book on this time period and wondering wtf? If there are books in '30.

    Well yea... since in 2030  all history books will be printed in Chinese 

  5. 43 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Cruz: "I mean do you know of any other instance where the FBI investigated another candidate for President, I mean "no" right, that's crazy" 


    In the upcoming sequel 'Office Space 2',  Peter and Samir once again write a computer code to embezzle millions from their company, but this time they immediately file to run for president in every subsequent election and thus are immune from investigation or prosecution. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Another good reason to open impeachment proceedings--the pardon power can't be used "in cases of impeachment."

    Well you see, as disciplined Constitutional originalists, it is clear that to us that this doesn’t really apply to repub presidents.  Balls and strikes and such....


    Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch

  7. 2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    Time to pack those courts.


    "But the conservative justices were skeptical about why they should intervene in an issue Congress seems to have entrusted with the executive branch.

    Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said that even if Census Bureau experts had advised against adding the question, Ross could have concluded that there would be little difference in outcome if the question was added."



    I can't wait till President AOC asks her Commerce Secretary to add these questions to the 2030 census:

    1.  Do you or anyone in your household possess any unregistered firearms?  If yes, where are they stored?

    2.  Do you or anyone in your household hold racist views?  Also, which of your relatives do you find most attractive and why?

    3.  In order for your census entry to be valid, please include a 2 page essay from each member of your household titled "The influence of the Renaissance and it's Influence on Quantum Theory. " 


    • Like 2
  8. 46 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Like it was for Democrats in 1998?

    You might want to go back and see how that actually played out.

    If impeachment results in a ‘Don Jr and Ivanka will Never Be President’ thread then it will be worth it. 

  9. 3 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    All Mitt had to do was send out this tweet to secure victory:

    “I, Mitt Romney,  strongly oppose the ideas and political values of my opponent, Barack Obama.  Despite my strong reservations, and with deeply furrowed eyebrows, I will nonetheless vote for Mr. Obama and endorse his candidacy over mine.  Furthermore, I will also support every policy and position he conceives.  He is simply that dangerous.”

    • Like 1
  10. Your mistress is falsely accused of embezzlement.  You have been transferring cash from your bank account to hers to pay for hotel rooms.  During the police investigation you give misleading statements, hide financial records and order subordinates to lie for you cause you don’t want your wife to find out. Your mistress is ultimately not charged. Although there was no underlying original crime can you be accused of obstructing a police investigation?

  11. 2 hours ago, elguapo said:

    Because it's better for Putin if everyone knows he's Trump's daddy.


    26 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

    So what do we do about Russians interfering with our elections? I don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t ramp up that type of activity in the next election. At a minimum look at the social disruption it’s caused.

    IMO that’s the bigger issue that needs to be addressed at this point.

    At this point Putin should just run as the Repub candidate.  He will get at least 40% of the vote without any effort which may be enough to win.  

  12. 2 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Can a Trump supporter please inform me why, even if there was “no collusion,” you’re okay with the fact that an enemy of our country worked to get your guy elected? And how was it okay for him to praise the interference publicly (i.e. “Russia if you’re listening..” and “I love Wikileaks...”)? Is it okay simply because it was Hillary Clinton? I’m still at a loss how, even if the report is as good as he and Barr claim, this whole situation is okay. From my perspective it’s clearly all about your “team” and hatred for the opposition, essentially anything that keeps a Democrat out of office is okay, including interference from an enemy that supports your team. I just can’t believe that’s where we are in our two party system.

    Tax cuts!  Kavanaugh!

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