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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 8 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Huh?  You would sacrifice intelligence gathering methods and agent identities to the public and an ongoing threat to national security (Russia and others), none of which would seem to be critical to analyzing Trump's culpability, for the sake of your precious report?

    There really is something of a perspective vortex here.

    You want to preserve some highly classified intelligence ....ok fine.  But ONLY this and the gang of 8 get to see that.  My point is that there is really nothing to preserve.  No matter what is in the report  NOTHING is happening to Trump, his family.  There will be no prosecution via the federal government or state government period.  He is above the law because he has figured out the weakness of our system and if willing to do anything to preserve himself while an entire political party has devoted themselves to this same cause.  They control the Senate, the Prosecutors, the judges, the SC and 40% of the population.  When Trump said he could shot someone in the face and get away with it he was 100% correct.

    There is also no urgency or will to act against Russia or any other foreign agency that may be of threat to the US so who gives a shit about protecting evidence against them.  Again an entire political party has decided that this is not a threat and in fact is a valuable asset for their priorities. 

    The baby is dead.  Nothing is gonna happen, but the public needs to see the report anyway so that we know what we are up against... even if there is no will to address it at this time.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, Burt said:

    Old wives' tale. If it were true my wife would be throating my hog twice a day to collect my life insurance.


    3 hours ago, Underdog said:

    How much money are we talking about here?  Asking for a friend of course. 

    How much money would it need to be for you to throat his hog twice a day?


  3. 7 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    Can you die from receiving too many blowjobs?

    If I ever end up on death row, my spiritual advisor will be making the case that being on the receiving end of this method is the only humane way to execute me.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Like to see what happens if the tries this....

    Trumpkin:  Haha.  He is kidding. He doesn’t really intend to do that.  He's just trolling.  Can’t you take a joke?

    DOTARD:  No I'm not kidding.  I will seriously pardon him for breaking the law.

    Trumpkin:  Calm down libtard!  He means it figuratively....like a bible analogy.   He is not actually gonna pardon someone for breaking the law.  This is pardon delusion!

    DOTARD pardons CBP head for breaking the law.

    Trumpkin:  Look what you made him do libtard!  Its totally your fault!  Obama!

    • Like 8
  5. 15 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Fair enough.  Democrats should release unwanted children who grew up to be hardened sociopath criminals into bible-thumping Midwest towns.  The idiot Right has an open arms policy for every life, so this should make them very happy!

    While we are at it, can we dump all industrial waste and pollutants into MAGA country as well?

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  6. "Whoever replaces will have one hell of a confirmation hearing.”


    Pub Senators:  Is it true that Trump nominated you?

    DHS Candidate:  Yes

    Pub Senators:  We approve.

  7. On 4/3/2019 at 11:27 PM, Gil Bang said:

    I really hope this guy gets ass cancer. Or cancer of the cock and balls. 

    I root for humans over cancer at all times, but I'll make an exception here. 

    Stage 4 Wind cancer would be the most appropriate outcome 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Dude my wife is in the insurance industry. We had great coverage before, and not so great coverage after.  Yeah it did.  You don't know what you're even trying to talk about. 

    Now go find another lawn boy who'll cut your grass for less than the last illegal alien you exploited.

    No it didnt and you are full if shit

    • Like 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Yeah I have no idea what you're trying to assert. We had good health insurance, and reasonable deductions pre ACA. Now we don't have reasonably priced her;lth insurance. You need to find your own analogy, and please try to make it relevant and accurate.  The ACA actually caused a spike in emergency room visits, if you didn't know that.


    What we have is exactly what you describe. A $5,000 deductible and monthly costs a third more than they used to be for a $2500 deductible when we had a four member household.  The ACA is a shell game that gave democrats the warm and fuzzy notion that they gave health care to everyone, they didn't.  They just increased profits for health care companies.

    Yea lets see what your old health plan covered and what your new one does.  Is it identical or nah?  The point is that your new plan reflects what it actually costs to provide people with comprehensive care and let insurance companies have a nice profit.  Your old plan did not. 

    The analagy is relevant and accurate.  You called me walmart cause my lawn bill doesn’t support a middle class wage.  Well guess what. Your cheap health plan with limited coverage doesnt support a middle class society either.  

  10. 9 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

     You sound like Walmart. I'm getting cheap labor let them apply for welfare for the rest of their living.


    6 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    It works ?  Our deductible tripled and our monthly costs went up by a third.  How is that working ?

    You sound like Walmart.  Im getting cheap health insurance that doesn’t really cover the cost of health care but apply for “free” care at the ER when you really get sick.

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