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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 3 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Please explain what an uneducated, unskilled, poor, Central American with family in tow (any person fitting that description actually) does bring to the improved quality of the American experience.  

    I used to live in Houston.  If I wanted anything done to my house or lawn I could have a team of people willing to work hard for cheap to get the job done.  I now live in Trump country with few immigrants.  I can’t get shit done to my home.  The MAGAs that will actually take the job at twice what I paid in Houston do a shitty job, take 2-3x as long and several will quit before finishing.  Also the food sucks without immigrants.

    • Like 5
  2. 6 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    it was incidental touching not really a grab that restrained the dribbler's movement. 

    I will look at it again.  To me I thought it was a foul mainly because it was an intentional foul situation and am pretty sure the  Auburn player was trying to foul when the ball got lose.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

    That double dribble should have been called also

    Maybe, but if you watch the play again, the UVA player is grabbed when he loses possession before the double dribble, so really there should of been a foul before the double dribble

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  4. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Beto out there breaking hearts.

    (Why was he waiting for a girl to ask him to prom?)


    We interupt your evening FOX News programing to bring you this latest Democratic SCANDAL.  Worse then tansuitgate. Worse then salutewitha cupgate.  Perhaps worse than Arugulagate!

    Democratic Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has just admitted that he did not go to prom as a high schooler because “No one asked me”.  Is Beto a beta homosexual?  A transgender?  Was he too high to dance?  Was he having an abortion?

    So far Beto has not denied any of these possibilities.  What else is he hiding?  Join us tomorrow on a 2 hour Hannity special as we take a deeper dice into this American crisis.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    My order shipped!

    Also, did any of y’all lead a canvassing event during his senate run?

    I got a call asking if I’d be willing to organize and head one up in my area but I’d like to get some real world info on what it’s like before I say yes.

    Everything they’ve told me is all sunshine and unicorns - which is their job - but I don’t want to get myself in over my head in my first interaction with the campaign. I want to hear what it’s really like and if I think I’m up for the responsibility.

    Thanks for any stories or advice!

     You are gonna canvas for a dem in Alabama?  Props.



  6. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m strongly considering going into the business of selling windmill cancer insurance coverage. 


    47 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Would package well with my MS-13 insurance...

    I plan to offer both of these as options for my MAGA Health Care Plan.   $15 a month gets you a $15 annual credit to see any doctor you want (unlike Obama!) and for ANY preexisting condition.  

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    DIdn't mean to disagree with you.

    The Gang of Eight has clearance to receive the classified or national security stuff.  They don't have "clearance" to see the other grounds of redaction.  Preparation of a redacted report, and submission of that to a court, as in the case of the Reporters' petition, to examine at least the grand jury material for release, is a rational process and not dissimilar to that occurring under the independent counsel law.

    A special counsel report has never gone directly to congress (parts of it have).  You can quibble over whether it should be redacted before submitting to a court or not, but that's just an issue of timing. 

    Under the independent counsel law, the special division of the DC Circuit got an unredacted copy of the report direct from the special counsel, the only copy.  The court then decided what to do with it.

    Typically, the court took submissions from interested parties, like those discussed in the report, or Nadler, about whether and how much of the report should become public/go to congress.  I can't find any timetables, but I'm guessing that took longer than a couple of weeks. 

    Appreciate your input and explaining this to non-lawyers like myself.  I am sure you are correct legally.  As a layman it seems incredibly contradictory for the Justice Department to argue on one hand that a sitting president can not be formally charged with a crime and the only recourse available is impeachment via the Congress, and on the other hand state that Congress is not entitled to review all evidence with respect to the president in an official government investigation.  Basically that means the president is above the law and not truely subject to congressional review.  If that is the case we need the SC to explicitly state that so we can all rest comfortably knowing America is officially a banana republic.

    • Like 8
  8. 59 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    But really that applies to any summary, so arguing about summaries is dumb.  Let's get the source doc out, redacted at first and in full later, if legal and get on with it.

    Thats the point.  Summaries are dumb.  They can easily be made misleading while maintaining  factual accuracy.  The gang of 8 needs the full unredacted report.  Agree the public needs to see as much as legally possible.

  9. 33 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    A judge pointed out that if an underlying crime were to be a prerequisite for obstruction, it would actually encourage obstruction.  The better you obstruct, the less likely a crime is found.

    Also, everyone is assuming the obstruction only pertains to the crime of specific interest  (collusion if such a thing even exists).  What if the obstruction is to hide other crimes not even under investigation or other people’s crime?  Is it logical that that would be legal?  If there is a murder that you had nothing to do with, but you went out of your way to fuck with and obstruct  the police investigation ....is that legal?

    • Like 1
  10. Que the “I’d like to see Trump get out of this mess unscathed” meme.

    They really should make a 80’s style TV series out of the Trump Presidency.  Every week he gets is some kooky mess and then escapes in the nick of time.  Like a modern day Dukes of Hazzard.

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  11. Horndog, Inc.  is proud to announce the first MAGA compliant health care plan!  As our favorite president previously proclaimed  it will cost $17 a month, cover preexisting conditions and will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!  How?  Simple:

    — premiums $17 a month

    — deductible:  NONE!


    — America was great in the 1950’s.  At that time one could visit  a doctor in exchange for a chicken and be admited to the hospital cfor $15.  The MAGA plan will provide 1 chicken per year for doctors visits and up to $15 per year for hospital visits!

    — After 10 years of completed payments, and with a additinal 20 year commitment, MAGA plan will provide a lifetime benefit of $500 for your medical expenses! NO DEDUCTIBLE!!  Your preexisting conditions are also covered under this $500 lifetime limit!  In the 1950’s $500 could buy a car! 


    — What if I exceed my $500 lifetime limit?

    Mexico will pay for it.

    — What if my doctor won’t accept a chicken for payment?

    Call him a elitist liberal.

    — What if this plan fails to meet my family’s medical needs and my spouse or child dies?

    Everyone dies.

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  12. Which would you prefer:

    1.  A president who is corruptable by a foreign government, but who’s corruption would require an elaborate scheme of overcoming that person’s natural loyalty to his country utilizing sophisticated mental manipulation. This president would have to consider all the logical arguments for or against his actions, and although he ends up choosing the wrong path, there is a true rational and intelligent pathway to his decision tree and an actual point at which he decides to betray his government . 

    2.  A president who is so clueless and manipulatable that a foreign government doesn’t even have to convince or coordinate with him in any way in order to get what they want?  Kinda  like Forest Gump at a peace rally...no clue what is actually happening but happy to play his part without question...and without any ”collusion”.

    • Like 2
  13. The next scene:

    Devos:  I would refer the the congresswoman to the landmark article “Brown Kids Learn Better in Overcrowded and Decrepit Classrooms-  A Retrospective Review” from the academic journal ‘The Monthly Supremacist’.  

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