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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. So I can have my kids taken away from me if I don’t make them go to school.  However, if I let them get easily preventable diseases and expose the entire community to health risks all while racking up a 800k bill for taxpayers to cover...nothing we can do?

  2. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well Jefferson's "recommended" sentence was another decade longer than Manafort's, and apparently, during sentencing the "intended loss" from an unconsummated fraudulent loan was thrown out as an enhancement, further reducing Manafort's guidelines range.  It really looks like Ellis is fairly consistent in giving about half to white collar criminals.  And, ultimately, Jefferson got 5.5, released by Ellis.

    You're right about the intricacies, everything is apples and potatoes except in the most gross ways.  "About half" seems really about right for Ellis.

    In a lot of ways, I respect Ellis for ignoring the guidelines; more judges should.

    So Jefferson’s two aides who pleading guilty to conspiracy and moving some cash around get 8 and 7yrs respectively.  Its a shame they hadn’t lived an otherwise blameless life like Manafort.

  3. On 3/4/2019 at 11:43 AM, Kyrie Eleison said:

    i know a guy who says he jacked off in a cave with DLR and three other dudes...

    Let he, who has not gone in a cave with 3 dudes and a former rock giant,  to jerk off cast the first stone.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

     Do you feel like you've let down every sperm you've ever ejaculated for non-reproductive purposes?

    I cry everytime I jerk off for this very reason.

  5. 5 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Man. The olds really don’t like the Socialism. Scares ya to death.

    They seem to be good with the Russians nowadays though. So socialism bad but corrupt oligarchy is a ok? 

    Man the olds are dumb. 

    This was already stated, but Im gonna state it again.

    Olds, who have protected health care (medicare) and a protected living wage (SS) are angry that some are advocating for protected health care and a living wage.


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  6. 21 hours ago, tjhooker said:

    where is it a right to make a certain amount of money?  Just curious.  The word right is overused.  I guess a right now is anything you want it to be.  Is this an unalienable right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?  I am sure some you of will do some mental hurdles to apply it to that though.

    Right to Life can reasonably be interpreted to mean that you have a right to a certain level of health care.  Obviously it is debatable what that certain level of health care is, but we as a society have decided this is true, otherwise we would be throwing dying poor people out of ERs which we don’t do.  We just pay for it via higher taxes and medical insurance premiums.  

    Right to Life can also reasonably be interpreted as a right to to basic things needed for life (food, shelter) and thus possibly a “living wage”.  Again, very subjective what that level is, but this is currently supported by our society in the form of food stamps, housing assistance, etc.

    Again, you can disagree with the specifics, and I personally don’t agree with where AOC likely wants to draw the line, but the basis of BASIC health care and BASIC means for survival as rights is not far fetched and already an accepted norm in our society.

    • Like 2
  7. Maybe Tiffany...but that's not saying much. 


    Speaking of Tiffany, Dotard wanted to abort her....

    It doesn't help that Trump has referred to Tiffany's birth as an accident, either. Back in 2004, Trump did just that in an interview with Howard Stern, telling him, per Newsweek, “I’m glad it happened. I have a great little daughter, Tiffany. But, you know, at the time it was like, ‘Excuse me, what happened?’ And then I said, ‘Well, what are we going to do about this?’ [Marla] said, ‘Are you serious? It’s the most beautiful day of our lives.’ I said, ‘Oh, great.’”


  8. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Like those examples, and many others, the Hillary Clinton case was one where the public interest required that we speak. Angry voices in July 2016 said we should have said nothing. But we were ending a criminal investigation of a candidate for president, one overseen by Justice Department political appointees from the candidate’s political party. The decision to decline prosecution would have been far less credible without those details, causing lasting damage to the department’s reservoir of trust with the American people. Democrats were wrong about transparency then.

    But Republicans are wrong now, when they claim Justice Department rules forbid transparency about the completed work of the special counsel. It is hard to imagine a case of greater public interest than one focused on the efforts of a foreign adversary to damage our democracy, and in which the president of the United States is a subject. I don’t know all the considerations that will go into deciding precisely what to say about the completion of the special counsel’s work and when to say it. It’s always important to consider guidelines and routines. But don’t listen to those who tell you transparency is impossible. Every American should want a Justice Department guided first and always by the public interest. Sometimes transparency is not a hard call.

    Fuck you James Comey.  You ain't my homie!

  9. I listened to the podcast so couldn’t see the visual.  I found DLR to be a surprisingly very interesting guy who hasn’t just sat back on his rock star larels.  In his 50s he went to EMT school, become an EMT, cleaned shit and worked rough parts just to experience it and expand his horizons.  He went to japan and entered calligraphy school to experience that type of devotion to craft.  Yea he is a bit spacy, and endless pussy and fun has taken its toll, but he seems like a ritueous dude with a good philosophy on life.  I grew up listening to VH but I always thought of DLH as an airhead.  I gained respect for him listening to that podcast.  He is on my top 10 people Id like to smoke a J with.

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