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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. On 2/28/2019 at 1:14 AM, Beau Vine said:



    Is Johnny Manziel’s Wife The Latest To Be Exposed As A Road Race Cheat? Yes, We Thinks She Is


    by LetsRun.com
    February 27, 2019

    The LetsRun.com community has outed what looks like another road race course cutter and this time is is Bre Tiesi-Manziel – wife of former Texas A&M QB star Johnny Manziel. History has shown us with the likes of Kip Litton, Mike Rossi and Robert Young, that in this day and age of chip timing, if you cheat in a road race, there is a high chance you are going to get exposed.

    Earlier this afternoon, a LetsRun visitor posting under the unregistered name of “ridiknick” posted that Bre’s splits from Divas Half Marathon on February 16th, defy logic. That poster is correct.


    Bre’s splits

    According to the race’s timing website, Bre covered the first 6.4 miles in 1:31:29 (14:15 min/per mile). However, she didn’t record an 11 mile split but ended up at the finish (13.1094 miles) in 1:58:22. That defies logic. That would mean that Bre ran the final 6.7 miles of the half marathon in 26:54 – which is faster than any human has ever run for 6.7 miles as it averages out to be 4:00.7 per mile pace.

    Since the course map (h/t harambe) reveals that the 6.4 mile split is very close to the finish line, we imagine Mrs. Manziel just decided to take a short cut so she could celebrate with some wine:



    Well sure no human can run 6.7 miles in 26 min, but she has an exceptionally big camel toe, which may have helped.

  2. Can one of you lawyer types explain how a criminal felony case can be prosecuted and the entire case and all its evidence can be subsequently sealed from public view?  How is that even possible?  I can kinda understand the civil case since it was settled but a criminal case is not public record??

  3. 25 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

    Ok, I thought from the side that might a cute chick. Uh yeah, I was wrong. The pics on her tweeter *shiver*

    Also - I can't figure these people out. They are pro military etc. but then post shit like this:


    So which is it? Are we going to start a GoFundMe for the military or are we going to agree that at least some taxes are good? So confused.

    Does she realize that she is on the wrong side of the wall?

    • Haha 2
  4. 4 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    perjury for saying he is a good lawyer.


    the dumbest timeline.

    Lets say JJ gets his way and DOJ files charges against Cohen for saying he was a good lawyer and that his preference was not to work in the WH.  Will this be a jury trial in DC?

  5. 8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I guess I'd go with the obvious choice of Lincoln. Without Washington, there likely never is a USA. Without Lincoln, there'd be more than one USA. The southern version of the USA would have been a plague on the entire hemisphere. The Confederacy and rich southerners envisioned a slave nation that included S. America.

    I don't know who I'd choose after those two.  I'm not a scholar of the presidents. Interesting discussion though.

    The Confederacy may have lost the war, but the Confederate mindset lives on as the GOP.  They are still a plague on the hemisphere.

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I'm 100% onboard that the DOJ should investigate every claim that Cohen made yesterday.  Perhaps create a special counsel role to look into the allegations that Cohen lied about Trump. they will need to prove he lied by looking into Trump's financial records.

    Brilliant.  If the Dems were ruthless, they would call this bluff, hold a week long investigation on Jordan and Meadows concerns.  To answer this question, the entirety of the Trump organization, transition team, cabinet, lawyers, Don Jr, Eric, Kuchner, Ivanka and Trump himself would need to be subpoenaed and grilled over every single one of Cohen's accusations.   

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jograves said:

    Really? These fuckers sent emails about every single one of their crimes. You don't think there is an email from Cohen to Chris Christie or whoever about a position in the WH? They're dumbasses.


    They are dumb asses, but so what if there is an email.  The question is what does he or did he want.   He can say he wrote that email cause he knows if Trump thinks he doesn't want a WH job then he will be ostracized.  He can say he changed his mind later.  You can't prove what his preference is or isn't beyond a reasonable doubt.  

    • Like 4
  8. 8 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Horn under a Bad Sign is an idiot for negging this. You are correct. Lying about hard facts and your knowledge of them are the sorts of things that can result in a convictable perjury charge. Lying about your emotional state? Fat chance. 

    Unless Cohen bought the web site:  www.micheal-cohen-is-a-sexy-motherfucker-who-wants-a-job-at-the white-house.com,  there is zero chance you can prove this.

  9. 2 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I have no talking points. I was working today so I didn’t get to watch a second. What did you learn today that you didn’t know, if you believe Cohen?

    I learned a few things:

    1.  If the FBI or any law enforcement agency wants to investigate a criminal organization, they do NOT want to talk to anyone who was or is in that organization cause they are criminals.

    2.  If a form says list any foreign government you have a contract with and you fail to list a company  that has any foreign government ownership whatsoever, then you are a GOTDAM liar!! (If you are a Trump family member this does not count).

    3.  Scrutinizing wrongdoing by a Repub president is a waste of time that the American people are not interested in.  What we really need to be investigating is Hillary and Rosenstein!  

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    He may have fucked Karen McDougal, but he has to go through life knowing he fathered Eric and Don Jr, 

    You’ve got that going for you.   

    He really only fucked like 1.5 inches of her with his mushroom, so to me she is still basically  a virgin.

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