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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 1 hour ago, RDCanecutter said:

    He should have had his Imam.

    That said, I knew the child he raped and murdered. Don't cry for me Argentina, too bad he didn't get to twitch and shit himself sooner.

    Sorry to hear the victim was an acquaintance of yours.  That’s rough.

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  2. On 2/9/2019 at 6:53 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Releasing one person’s returns, they argued, is a slippery slope toward eroding all Americans’ right to privacy.“We believe all Americans have a fundamental right to the privacy....”

    Ya’ll remember when the pubs were super concerned about Bill Clinton’s right to privacy regarding a blow job?  Slippery slope indeed..

  3. 34 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    Greenpeace says "thanks a lot, dude."

    You’re welcome Greenpeace.  No private jet for you.  You hairy armpit, patchouli smelling motherfuckers can fly commercial like the rest of us...wait....I think I see your point.  We may need to make an exception for Greenpeace.

  4. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    Trying to recall, I believe it was in the Harvey thread, but someone posted his river oaks address tax info.  It’s a church owned property.  That’s a pretty penny saved there. 


    1 hour ago, relapse98 said:

    I don't think his house in River Oaks is owned by the church - it's registered owner's address is PO BOX 22540 HOUSTON TX 77227-2540 which is where the Osteen's seem to have a number of their companies registered.

    Many years ago a famous Houston minister bought a lot in Hunters Creek from my uncle in order to build a very large mansion.  All the paperwork was in the church’s name.

    IMO there should be a hard cap on tax free fringe benefits allowed for church personnel.  In addition NO church, or ANY tax exempt entity, should have a private jet or other aircraft.  If your organization has enough cash to buy that, then it needs to do it as a tax paying entity.

  5. On 2/9/2019 at 12:16 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    They all gotta go. Gov. Northam appoints a new LT Gov. to take over for the resigning Fairfax.  He and Herring then resign (Herring said Northam must go when his black face pic came to light, now his has as well, can't moonwalk that one back). 

    The newly appointed LT gov.takes over as gov. and appoints a new AG. The crisis is averted for the Va. democrat party.  That would give the republicans no where to go.  

    Will it happen ?

    As a VA resident, this is what I would like to see happen.

  6. 8 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I suppose one should make a distinction between a rich preacher and a rich church.  Neither is entirely (or at all) consistent with fundamental tenets of Christianity, as opposed to fundamentalist Christianity, but a preacher moreso than a church.


    8 hours ago, Ted Lange said:

    Fair.  But how does someone who has read the Bible think the leader of the church should have a helicopter or his wife drive a $300,000 car?

    Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe part of the issue is some rich churches don’t necessarily pay their preacher a huge salary, but they provide exorbitant benefits and use of tax exempt church property such as a huge mansion in Piney Point to live in, expensive cars, and even helicopters and private jets.  So the preacher can live like a billionaire but claim a “modest” salary 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Kunta kinta was a slave in a TV series about racism.  It'd be the just as bed as calling them an Uncle Tom, an I your face racial term.  The racist connotation is in your face, and blatant with those names. Pocahontas was was an Indian girl in Va. It's sarcastically mocking her that she thinks she's an actual native American.  Calling her a squaw could certainly be considered racist and or demeaning. Sorry you don't understand the difference.  

     My wife and I both have more Native American blood than she does, and we don't consider ourselves Native American in any respect.  My wife is also descended from Scottish ancestry, she doesn't consider herself Scottish. I have french, Irish, and a hint of Native American ancestry somewhere way back, several generations, and wouldn't fill out a form describing myself as anything but caucasian.

    I guess we will agree to disagree.  Calling someone Pocahontas in a sarcastic way seems similar to calling someone Kunta Kinte, Speedy Gonzalez or Long Duck Dong.  Your intent is to mock their race or racial identity.   Even if her racial identity is flawed, those terms are still offensive to people who do belong to those groups.

  8. 1 minute ago, LowPressure said:

    Well, to be equivalent you'd be going up to Shaun King & refer to him as "Kubta Kinta"

    I don't think Talcum X could kick anyone's ass.  😉

    Fair Point. Ok try this.  Go in to a crowded predominantly black neighborhood.  When you stop a white person yell out “Hey Kubta Kinta!”  Again, film and post the results

  9. 11 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dennisson in action. Yeah straight up racist. Please break down his tweet, and describe the racist parts.  Calling her Pocahontas ?  Is that racist or just sarcastically calling her out for her claim she's a native American ?  Don't answer, everyone knows your answer. 

    Try this.  Go up to your token black “friend”.  Refer to him as “ Kubta Kinta”.  Please film and post the part where you get your ass kicked

  10. On 2/8/2019 at 11:29 AM, Foosters said:

    Sorry, didn't you hear? We are not ethnically homogeneous so single payer wont work.

    As a doctor I can attest that this is 100% true.  A white person comes in with a medical condition, it will cost X dollars to treat.  A brown person with the exact same condition will cost 2-3x dollars to treat.  We even have a term for it at the hospital, “Code Brownie”.  (Not to be confused with Code Brown which means something else entirely).  We can not figure out why...maybe its the extra costs for burritos or fried chicken and watermelon, but this is REAL and is the reason single payer will never work in the US.  If you don’t believe it, look at Medicare. The data CLEARLY shows that white people are cheaper to treat...and...if the data doesn’t show that, well then just ignore that data and believe it anyway.

    • Like 2
  11. 19 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:


    Sorry if this has been covered, but can someone give a run down of Presidential pardon powers.  I  realize there is uncertainty, but are there any established rules?  I  fully expect Trump to push this to the limit especially as his term winds down, so it would be interesting to hear about the accepted parameters.    Specifically:

    1.  I believe a president can issue a pardon before a charge has been filed.  If so, can he pardon himself and his entire cabinet for "any future potential charges" related to his presidency?

    2.  Can a president issue a blanket pardon for future charges?  For instance to himself and entire family for any future crimes?

    3.  If so, can a president issue a blanket future pardon to an entire group or population?  Wouldn't this mean a President can essentially over ride congressional law making by making a law void?  Ex:  "I hereby pardon all current and future citizens charged with possession, use or distribution of marijuana"

  12. If I'm the richest man in the world, and it's wrong to fuck hot women and send dick pics to any woman I want.... then I don't want to be right.

    Honestly, if I owned Amazon, I would have my full frontal dic pic on every Amazon package that goes out.  I would make everyone stare at my dic pic before getting to play with the cheap Chinese shit you just bought.  I would also rename Alexa to "Horn Dog's Dick"  just to remind everyone who is in charge.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


    One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'




    I wish Obama had played hard ball with Mitch the Bitch.... like record him saying this then play it back in a national address and say this is what the republican leadership has become.  Pure obstructionist with absolutely no decency.

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