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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 15 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Because they’re fucking with every step of the process for SOME people.




    Totally normal. Just show your photo ID! Quit bitching!

    Oh wait....



    Very mixed feelings about this.  One the one hand, voter suppression is obviously wrong.   On the other hand, disenfranchising 75yr olds.....maybe not a bad thing???

  2. 1 hour ago, Mapache said:

    This is now hanging in the White House. what a narcissistic prick. He's much fatter and "oranger" in reality. 




    This painting looks about right to me.  Abe is obviously telling a story about how he once beat the shit out of a fat, dumb fucktard back in this childhood.  The other presidents are all in on the joke and Trump has that shit eating grin and has no idea that they are laughing at him.  In the next scene, Abe gets up and beats Trump's ass sideways for fucking being a bitchass.  In the chaos,  W snorts all the coke lines set out for Nixon 

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  3. 13 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    Fuck her.


    13 hours ago, Anastasis said:



    13 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    Not even with your dick.

    Vapid POS. She is no better than her father.

    Don’t knock Hate Sex  till you try it

  4. 16 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    It’s just like anything else, I can’t believe it when people don’t like oatmeal raisin cookies. I’m like wtf how can you have such a wrong opinion! But then again I don’t think chocolate chip cookies are good but most people do.

    Wait... you don’t like chocolate chip cookies??  

  5. 1 hour ago, Homercles said:

    I spent 5 years at two companies doing tech support for a living...I hate using the phone and with the Robo crap, not recognizing a number = not picking up.

    Yup thats me.  You call my line and you are not one of my contacts then you are getting voice mail and I will decide to call you back if you leave a message.  I haven’t answered a unknown number in a long time.

  6. 48 minutes ago, williemackgarza said:

    No I have no idea how you can just let your patient suffer and/or die or whatever.
    Your hands are tied right? So I guess its okay.
    But you could always man up and not accept the trump tax cut and pay extra. Or send it my way you know to help out your fellow americans.

    Like you conservs always preach, I gotta let my disabled and terminal patients pull themselves up by their bootstraps so they don’t become welfare queens.

    In all seriousness, 50% of my work is charity so I do what I can.

    Your offer to send you cash is so tempting, but that would be so libtard  elitist o me.  But I’ll tell you what I will do.  I like supporting people trying to make a difference and standing up for what they believe in.  You say you have family members that serve or run for office?  Link their web site and I will donate a couple bills in the name of Surlyhorns and post it up here

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