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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. In this simulation foolishness is kinda the rule unfortunately (but i pray you’re right)
  2. I always thought Sting had more of an English accent.
  3. I didn't say it was a rational or "correct" motivation. In his twisted mind, this may have been the way "to show everyone!". If so, he failed spectacularly, just like shooting Reagan didn't ultimately win Jody Foster's love. Obviously he was a loser and his colleagues' opinions of him was correct.
  4. If there was any real motivation for this shooter besides being insane, I think get kicked out of his HS shooting club may be a strong candidate. Shooting a presidential candidate from distance is one way of providing his critics wrong (in a twisted sort of way).
  5. Wait, Kamala was one of the SS agents?? HUGE if true!
  6. This is what I suspected when it was first reported. Someone with a similar (rel. common name) mixup. The number of 17yr old directly donating to political pacs is probably a couple dozen nationwide.
  7. Well you see MNL believes that when someone has committed felonies in the past, and done things that have put others in harms way, or even potentially in harms way, then they deserve it when they suffer life threatening attack… wait.
  8. Well I admit that I was am not an editor and not familiar with high brow literary theories and concepts. I have some how made it relatively ok through life with my limited ability to communicate and people generally seem to understand what I am saying, but I am getting older, just like sleepy Joe, so maybe I have lost a few steps. Moderators- i would like to clarify my intentions prior to being ban hammered. When I said “Nazi Germany needed to be burnt all the way down”, I did not intend to imply that “The Holocaust was a good thing and needed to happen”. I also believe The Confederacy needed to be burnt down completely (it wasn’t), but now I realize that saying that implies that “slavery was good!”. I had no idea all this time that the things I have been trying to communicate have come out opposite of my intentions. I am an illiterate monster. My deepest apologies again for the pain and suffering I have cause all of you.
  9. Ok well let me express it a bit clearer for you. Saying the country run by the Nazi party needed to be burned all the way down before Germany could rebuild itself into something respectable does NOT equal “the holocaust needed to happen”. In fact it says pretty much the opposite of that.
  10. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit
  11. Nope. Trump is exactly what this country needs and deserves. Since at least Reagan, this country has been barreling unabated to this moment. Shittier and shitter GOP candidates, policies, judges, and weaponization hate/division politics. Over and over again with increasing popularity and support from the shitty people of this country. So now we are here and we deserve every bit of what is coming (although those who will specifically targeted don't). Germany needed to be burned down to the ground before their population woke up from their fever dream, gain some sanity, and then rebuild their society. Unfortunately, so do we.
  12. Sure. Make it a Netflix reality based series complete with a "fantasy suite" and side hook ups. Think of the ratings. Entertain us!
  13. I will vote whoever is the Dem candidate but otherwise I am honestly on the verge of giving up. I have spent my entire adult life watching the GQP enact progressively worse and more horrible policies, actively destroy anything that benefits the environment or the non rich, suppress rights for women, minorities, the youth, LGBTQ, and anyone who is not male, white and fundamentalist christian, and all the while become more and more powerful and popular. I have financially benefited from the GQP’s backward policies, and voted against my financial interests time and time again, since I believe paying my fair share and wanting the best for this country is my duty, and yet those with the most to lose are continually apathetic or can’t make simple rational based binary decisions on who to support in obvious situations. Unfortunately I am starting to think its gonna need to all burn all the way down before anything gets better. The people in this country are so stupid, purposely ignorant, and/or self absorbed that unless they are personally and directly affected by the horrible consequences they will continue to ignore it and vote for POS like Trump or Cruz. So if Trump wins… yay for my bank account, condolences those not in the 1%, implement exit plan, and hope the nation’s reconstruction occurs in my lifetime.
  14. All that for a fuckin Florida lobster??
  15. Have you ever worked at a hospital?
  16. The possibilities are endless: Heaven Home Builder Heaven Realtor/Broker Heaven Pool Installer Heaven concierge medicine contracts Heaven law services I see an entire new cottage industry to suck the idiots dry.
  17. How can Biden let this happen? Now I am forced to vote for Trump! —Gen Z “undecided” voterr
  18. Yup. Fine with the verdict, and even with Hunter being one of the only people to be prosecuted for this law as a stand alone charge, but now lets enforce the fuck out of it. Lets start with Don Jr.
  19. He should be less concerned about who is writing political messages on his sandwich wrapper and more concerned about whoever is cutting his hair like a dunce hat.
  20. I am not sure what exactly ya'll want Congress to do. They are absolutely powerless without super majorities in both chambers. Apparently the only constitutionally valid check is Biden's absolute immunity and Seal Team 6. It does seem like the founders may not have war gamed a weaponized SC out very well.
  21. Who has the skills to make the deep fake and save America
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