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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. So fair catch doesn’t require any space anymore?
  2. If you have never had freshly cooked rabbit soup after a vigorous afternoon of rabbit-like fucking then you are living at less than 70% potential
  3. So Aileen is pissed, not at Trumps attempt at fuckery, but rather that the Special Councel used more than 200 words to alert her of Trumps fuckery??? Am I reading that correct?
  4. Fantastic idea. Dems should propose a a solution of making the military consist of 100% gay men and post menapausal women!
  5. For the same reason you don't just give your child candy for dinner cause they keep crying about it and it would be easier to give in and "move on". Give in and the fuckery multiplies.
  6. So what is stopping the other senators from tag teaming this effort continuously for days if needed until Tubby falls asleep and can’t object anymore? What are the quorum rules for unanimous consent nomination approvals?
  7. So they basically agree with the Dem/Biden position on essentially every issue, including abortion and public education, but hate Biden and would rather have Trump who would do the opposite of what they desire. Absolute brain worms.
  8. In addition, lets continue to pretend that having less than 60 reliable votes in the Senate means jack shit with regard to "controlling it" with respect to passing legislation.
  9. PK may or may not deserve to be fired. However, everyday I come to to work and am extremely thankful that the success or failure of my work day does not hinge on a bunch of teenage boys listening to my instruction, and successfully completing complex tasks in unison.
  10. Murphy really taking the “dont throw the ball so hard” advice to heart
  11. I support this idea, but lets start with only those with a college degree can vote in the House
  12. Wait… you’d put Church’s up against Popeye’s ?? In fried chicken??
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