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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. One could argue that throwing money at a cop who pulled you over is Attempted Bribing of a Police Officer? That is a second degree felony, at least in TX
  2. Next move for Disney- Triple all political advertising fees on all Disney owned media outlets... but then provide a 2/3 off coupon if your candidate submits a photo of him/her with rainbow mouse ears on holding a BLM sign.
  3. Theoretically speaking, how early are we talking??
  4. Seems like a 10:1 decoy to real Patriot battery ratio is the way to counter the difficulty in hiding them.
  5. And when you have a big dick, they just let you do it!
  6. Oh they care. Its absolutely a prerequisite to be a toxic racist for half the country to support you.
  7. One of these things is not like the others. Cornyn be like
  8. If I am in a stand your ground state, I am, at minimum, blasting her with a can of mace as soon as she mentions serial killers and someone going to kill me.
  9. This is a good point so I rewrote this so maybe "conservatives" will start giving a shit. On May 24, 2022 in Uvalde, TX a 18yr old walked into Robb Elementary School and performed 21 POST BIRTH ABORTIONS! On April 11, 2023 in Houston TX, a man interrupted his date to perform a POST BIRTH ABORTION! On April 18, 2023 in Cleveland, TX 5 POST BIRTH FETUSES WERE ABORTIONED by a neighbor because a post birth fetus could not sleep! On May 6, 2023 in Allen, TX, 8 post birth fetuses were ABORTED while shopping at an outlet mall!
  10. The 2023 Russian mail Order Bride Christmas Catalog is going to look like a full set of encyclopedias (those are books to you young'ens)
  11. Well fuck, I had no idea Scott Baio was homeless. Thoughts and prayers.
  12. Trans-racial is the new frontier.
  13. Just in time for hurricane season!
  14. Probably not, but the IRS is executive branch and because of separation of powers, SC justices only voluntarily comply with that the whole tax thing. Yours Truly, John Roberts
  15. Yea, but think about how nice it would have been to have a beer with them!
  16. They certainly have done more harm to America than Al Qaeda, Taliban, and Al-Shabaab combined. And if this very scenario actually happened, there would not be a damn thing that would happen to him since the only remedy is impeachment and senate conviction which will never ever ever happen to a republican until America ceases to exist.
  17. I am also pretty sure that it would be fairly easy to convince a good number of GQP to support a law to deport low IQ individuals who are a net financial drain on this country, and sit back and watch 2/3 of GQP get deported.
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