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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. It does seem 1.6 billion is excessive if we are talking about purely actual damages since Dominion is unlikely worth that much. But doesn’t that amount also include punitive damages or such? If so then a large amount seems reasonable to actually cause pain to Fox and make them think twice in the future over a similar situation.
  2. Desantis also removed a prosecutor for not prosecuting certain laws broken by certain people (which is exactly what they are expecting the NY prosecutor to do) Inside Ron DeSantis’s Politicized Removal of an Elected Prosecutor
  3. I would make a Trading Places $1 type bet that with minimal effort, we could gey a decent number of Georgia and Bama fans to contribute to Surly Burnt Ends NIL by convincing them that Smart and Saban are backed by Soros.
  4. "Judge Reed O'Connor's ruling means people could face sky-high deductibles—leading them to not get adequate care, get sick and die. " One just needs to understand that the GOP intent is for poor to middle income people to not get adequate care, get sick and die is THE prime intention, not just a unfortunate side effect. This is absolutely the society that they want and it drives every policy position that they hold.
  5. GOP- "A prosecutor that declines to prosecute the law of the land is an activist and should be fired! (see Florida Andrew Warren case) Also GOP- "Not declining to prosecute Trump just cause he broke the law of the land is activist and the prosecutor should be fired!"
  6. I understand your point but the far right will use these tactics any way regardless of what Disney does. They are the ones who started this shit and decided on a "win at any cost" and fuck decorum trajectory. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight so now that the gloves are off, it is appropriate to use the exact same tactics. If they end up defeating them, then good, now we have a road map to defeat their bullshit laws. If not, them maybe they will tire of the BS and we can go back to treating the political theater as something less than a blood sport.
  7. He hates his children, just like me!
  8. I think it is extremely useful to look at another parties actions to decipher their intentions when those intentions are opaque. As 956 states below, the Chinese government has banned TT in their own country, but promote it heavily here. What does that tell you? You could dismiss it as a strange coincidence but knowing what we know about the Chinese government and their intentions towards our society I think we can make rational inferences . And for those saying “what do i care if the Chinese government knows I like seeing cats doing stupid shit” you are incredibly naive if you think that is the data they are mining from your phone. They can mine your interests, everywhere you go, everyone you know, and probably can predict your behavior better than your spouse. And that is before we discuss how the world view and “facts” you are exposed to can be easily manipulated to affect public opinion in this country.
  9. Lets put it this way. If you don’t think TT is a threat, propose to China an identical US owned social media app that you want to make available to their population and see what how far you get. That will tell you all you need to know.
  10. Exactly. It wasn’t one fucking call. It was the entire second half of Miami getting the whistle for phantom or brush fouls and us getting no calls when being aggressively smacked around. It changes the entire game/energy when the refs decide to thumb the scales like that, and definitely effects what the targeted team can do. Just call it consistent and no one can bitch about missed calls. When all the missed calls go in in one direction that is when you know the fix is in.
  11. Fuck the refs. They fucking sucked the entire second half and Miami got every ticky tack call and swallowed their whistle for every similar foul for Texas. Same as it ever was. Cartel money > Oil money.
  12. If this is a fucking disaster, I wish we could fuck up the whole situation like this every year.
  13. And with the portal and a Texas level NIL?? Elmer Fudd could recruit top level talent to Texas right now
  14. Yup. The ONLY gun restriction I could see them supporting is a ban on open carry within the Supreme Court. Otherwise… “will not be infringed!!!”
  15. “Three Finger Chocolate Pudding” is a film I would probably watch. (User name checks)
  16. We do but it is nearly impossible to prove (even if blatant and obvious) and even harder to convict, so like pretty much all laws, completely worthless (unless you are brown or poor)
  17. So the GOP convention is being held at WDW this year??
  18. can we get Soros and Gates to sponsor a law banning residential use of carbon monoxide generators just so the Magats insist on using them?
  19. Well they got the diaper part right.
  20. Thats easy. In a small government utopia, we chip them, put them in menstruation concentration camps, and sterilize the ones with undesirable traits.
  21. Rubio: US should fly more drones over Black Sea, protect them with jets https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3903241-rubio-us-should-fly-more-drones-over-black-sea-protect-them-with-jets/amp/ thoughts?
  22. Trump is too good for this world. The Lord has decided to give him his own planet to rule for eternity. All of his true followers must gather in Waco at once, prepare the coolaid and prepare for immediate transport to Trump’s new planet. This is the way.
  23. God's Daily To-Do-List 1. Neutron star in gamma D7 quadrant about to go super nova and destroy 40 billion souls. Action plan- none. 2. Imminent collision of 2 supermassive black holes in UR74-d8 galaxy will cause a gamma ray burst which will rip apart 70 light years of space time. Action plan- none. 3. Donald Trump may be indicted. MUST INTERVENE.
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