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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. I mean have you seen how inflated his penis is!
  2. I am just now realizing this championship aggy always wins is not meat juggling, but meat judging. For years I had a mental image of these clowns tossing 3 loin chops in the air at once and it always made me laugh. Now the mental image is of these “athletes” inspecting a line of cow penises for imperfections.
  3. I an all for a congressional investigation into the withdrawal from Afghanistan as long as we are able to subpoena Trump about his role in initiating it.
  4. This family skips leg day on the reg
  5. Yes I agree with you that plain reading of the text does not require a militia. I am simply stating that it does imply that there is context for this right and therefore reasonable restrictions within that context are allowed. I think we are basically saying the same thing.
  6. I would argue that the militia preemble was placed to specifically show that reasonable restrictions on this right are allowed. The entire idea of any right "shall never be infringed" is nonsensical. Obviously any right is subject to restrictions that ensure the well being of society at large. In your example, the need for reproduction frames the broad right to get freaky can't be restricted as to the purpose of procreation or other benefits to our society (including non-procreational companionship and societal stability ). It would not imply that getting freaky with babies, rape, and sex in public places was completely unrestricted. Only an idiot would interpret it to mean that. The problem is our founding fathers assumed there would be a little common sense and context in interpreting the rights the granted and never thought our elected leaders would take the words to their most ridiculous extremes.
  7. Midterm spotting
  8. Look, I'm not trying to start a rumor or anything but I know a guy who knows a guy high up in the CIA. Lets just call him 'Qbert'. We were at a swingers party, just sitting around talking politics and Qbert confides that Nancy was actually killed during the home invasion what we think is Nancy is actually Trump in disguise. The Repubs need to push for Nancy to be reelected Speaker. Once "she wins Brandon and Harris will be hauled off to Guantanamo and Trump will reacquire his rightful place as President for life. This is very hush hush so please, don't share this with any MAGAs in your family or social circles.
  9. You forgot on for the closer-
  10. I have never been to a swingers party but based on that conversation, I am starting to question if I really know what a swingers party is.
  11. I’m somewhat certain you are kidding, but I am not comfortably certain you are kidding.
  12. I like this idea. A college football fanbase with NFL team ownership. That has to be better than even the best NIL program.
  13. Live in a solidly republican district with no real chance of not having a republican rep. Voting office run by republicans. Mailed our absentee ballots in last week. Wife gets an email today saying her ballot was received however won't be counted cause she didn't put her middle initial on the envelop. She calls and explains that she doesn't have a middle name and that is why it was left blank. "Oh, ok. All you have to do is drive 10 miles down to our office and fill out a form stating that you don't have a middle name and then we will consider counting your dirty, commie democratic vote..... I mean your vote" explains the very nice office worker. The fuckery is real ya'll.
  14. We live in a country where there are at least 2 possible scenarios where Walker wins by around 20% margin of the popular vote.
  15. Short legs- check Fat gut- check Wide, child baring hips- check Paging Vic!
  16. Its just amazing to me that people think they can assault others with no criminal consequences. One of my kids told me that a kid at his high school got jumped and pummeled, suffered a concussion, and the school's response was a week suspension. I told my kid that he can go ahead and all the other kids at his school know that if something like that happens to anyone in my family, there will be criminal charges, a million dollar medical workup, at least a year of physical therapy and mental counseling, followed by an avalanche of civil lawsuits and I will not stop till that kid is in juvi and his family is homeless and living in a van down by the river.
  17. Who that at 1:44? She would make me yell "God damn" in church!
  18. Ladybug- "We can't trust the left wing media on this story. We need to all do our own research, and have a gay tryst with some stranger pretending to break into our house, and rough us up a bit. Only then will we know the truth!" NTTAWWT
  19. IF I was a whiny pussy I would point out how we lost a nail biter (48-0) after such a discrepancy in fouls called (in my team's favor). But I am NOT a whiny pussy, so I will just take the high road and just accept the lopsided circumstances my team was forced to compete in.
  20. Hey Auburn. Can I interest you in a PAC12 defensive wizard as your next head coach?? Act now and we will throw in a child biting monkey.
  21. Mike Hunt? Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?
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