And this is where you are wrong. It wasn’t a “poorly officiated game”. A poorly officiated game would result in a bunch of randomly timed, randomly assessed penalties that over the course if a game would pretty much even out and effect both teams about the same. This is not what happened in this game and if you believe that it did any rational conversation with you is useless.
The “conspiracy theories” are not based on any one play or call. It is based on a history of years of games with B12 refs and this officiating crew in specific. This crew has, over numerous games, affected the outcome of Texas games at by making and missing critical, game altering calls. This is a fact.
Take a look at chart below. Look at it closely. 25 games over 3 years. 19 of those 25 games with us getting more penalties than the opponent. Does that sound like random “poor officiating” effecting both sides to you or do you think that warrants a deeper dive conversation about what is going on?