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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. And both of you are walking scott free if I’m on your jury
  2. IS this what they meant by "From the River to the Sea"??
  3. Yup. And it needs to be done on Facebook and and the other places imbeciles get their “news”. Magats are basically just contarians at this point. I mean look at the Leopards thread. We post the effects of Trumps stated plans and their reaction is to be angry that they got what they wanted and some of us are not upset at SOME of the consequences. Imagine if the elite libtards posted our new cars and vacations we get with our Trump dollars. We should host a “Trump Egg Toss” charity event to fund Spa Packages for Millionaires once eggs are $10.
  4. This is true. What we need is a group of high profile “coastal elites” to start saying the quiet part out loud and enthusiastically support Trump specifically for more tax breaks for only for the rich. Just say it loud and without apology. “We are delighted about Trump’s plan for targeted tax cuts for millionaires.” Talk about the “god given supremacy” of people with money over those without and how that means rich should have more privilege. Flaunt it loud and proud and make no excuses. Nothing turns working class folks to the other side more than smugness and being told they are inferior. So shove it in their face.
  5. This is sooooo fucking embarrassing. Come on Quinn. You are a premiere representative of The University of Texas! You need to do that with the honor and dignity that your title commands. A Texas QB shouldn’t EVER need to even ask for nudes…. this should be automatically occurring 24/7. What kinda program is Sark running??
  6. Inflation is obviously real, but people are also forgetting what things were like when eggs were $1. For example, several months before COVID I remember getting a flyer from Kroger about their new “shopper program”. For $20-$25 per order extra fee, you could use their app to order your groceries then park outside and they will put it in your car. My wife had been bitching about how time consuming it was to shop for food and we discuss whether this was a good solution. Seemed like no one was willing to pay for that service cause it poorly utilized. Then COVID hit, and that $25 service was now “free”. But it wasn’t and still isn’t free, and the shopper service never went away. Those shoppers running around the store cost $$ and it is just being tacted on to food prices whether you use the service or not. That is a part of why you can’t get eggs for $1 anymore.
  7. The dude in the video is not making an apples to apples comparison. In the first receipt you can see he is a Walmart+ member and has selected free store pick up. In the second receipt you can see he is now asking for items to be shipped to his house. Prices for items are frequent different when you shop for “in store pick up” with membership, versus delivery (with fee), versus shipping to your home via UPS/Fedex (the most expensive option). I know this cause Walmart often tried to fuck me when I buy items for my college kids and have to change from pick up to shipping and watch prices skyrocket. I have also seen items at Costco and Sams nearly double with shipping versus in store. Who knows what else he is manipulating with his “22 items” since we can’t see what is in his cart and he is obviously not trying to make an honest comparison
  8. https://www.silive.com/news/2012/07/grimm_gop_vote_to_repeal_presi.html https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-michael-grimm-walk-again?qid=9eddcbffec8e0236eb47ae98badee781
  9. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-jimmys-fight-for-his-rights?qid=841ae29aa2bc024b06f27c93b47eee0e
  10. Well you see, this is all happening under Biden! Trump will fix it!
  11. This is so true. Growing up in Texas, the racism was much more subtle and passive aggressive. Move to Boston to do my residency….HOLY SHIT! It was truly shocking to hear complete strangers letting their racist freak flags fly. And that was pre-Trump. I can’t even imagine what its like now.
  12. Very happy for you getting clean. Honestly. But that is your background, and at some point that was what guided your decision making and thought process. It still affects you whether you realize it or not.
  13. No one is making fun of Icono for being gay or for performing gay sex acts. Pointing out that someone performs sex acts for meth is relavent. When one understands this context and the level of disfunctional judgment at play, his posts actually make a lot more sense unfortunately.
  14. This really wasn’t supposed to be the super serious, “prove it” thread. This was just supposed to be therapy to blow off some steam for those of us that need it. Back on track.. and sorry all you 18-25yr old incels..
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