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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Yes, but what is really demoralizing is that the average Ohioan may be smarter than the average Texan.
  2. He needs to answer what the blue collar trumpkins are really wondering.... How much is the arugula??
  3. Trump Will Release the Warrant (When it’s good for Trump, and not before) https://apple.news/AkW-BlzVfSWSCP9tvyQJb-g
  4. Yes and Biden can do it just by thinking about it. It's like the Clapper but only better!
  5. My favorites: "Eric? Would you even care?" "Your father would be ashamed"
  6. You also play billards with that couch and a lamp table 2 feet away just like the pros!
  7. The Dems need to learn how to play politics and start bringing up stand alone bills with extremely popular proposals like this to the floor for a vote on a weekly basis from now until the midterm. Do it over and over and shove their face in their shit each and every time they vote things down.
  8. I am no fan of Charles Manson but part of his appeal to his followers was that it was him and his cult against the corrupt world. Prosecuting him will seem like unjust persecution so we should just let him go.
  9. That is a cool logo. However it looks a lot like the USSR flag which means you probably will be targeted for conversation by GQP nuts.
  10. That kid needs his ass kicked for that shitty job he is doing. Makes me ragey every time I see it.
  11. Yea but she’s not a fetus so who gives a shit!
  12. Richard John Steinle- Maybe not the hero we envisioned, but a true American Hero nonetheless.
  13. Christians- “we must not allow any abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, or no viable fetus because the bible says all life is supremely precious!” genesis 22: Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." Christians- “well…post born, non-white kids are different!”
  14. that $99 is for 2 tix plus parking so you really are only paying $25 a tix. Personally i would take. The 2 yankees tix, 2 hotdogs, and 2 drinks for the same price
  15. Exactly. If i found out my attorney had been legally given access to info that could potentially help a congressional commission investigating an insurrection of my country, and he didn’t pursue it because it may have offended some other lawyers collegial sensitivities I would be livid. This is potential much more then about this individual case.
  16. Yea I’m no lawyer, but if I’m suing some asswipe like AJ, I want my lawyer to “get the gimp” within legal bounds, rather then be the good collegial gentleman.
  17. I dated a girl who enjoyed ATM and she was left handed so this hits close to home
  18. At the very least someone who speaks the tongue needs to call the Taipei airport and overhead page Nancy on the regular.
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