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Everything posted by D_Goose

  1. If Duggan hadn't missed as many wide open receivers as he has, we'd likely be down by three TD's.
  2. Corner fade is such a low percentage bullshit play
  3. Here come the defensive penalties... GTFO. I don't have enough blood pressure meds for this shit.
  4. Wow this shit is not serious. Why isn't Herman all up in the refs faces?!
  5. "Our strength dept works more than anyone on our necks and traps. I don't know why we keep getting injured."
  6. Anyone who still thinks we have a shot to make it to the b12 championship game with our defense is delusional as fuck. Greg Robinson isn't walking through that door, folks.
  7. Definitely playing hurt to some degree. Not nearly as many runs for him as last year. Having some troubles with accuracy.
  8. Bring back Bora
  9. Funny enough, this sounds exactly like something the real Junes would say.
  10. Did Tyler Coe make it over to Surly?...He was Shaggy's own. The Horn should bring him back.
  11. No. He was a BaD Radio student intern 5-ish years ago and then came down here to go to UT. I think I remember him producing for a short stint (maybe?) with Chip and Sean on 1300 a few years ago before coming over to the Horn.
  12. D_Goose


    Looks like they're blaming the rents and third-party delivery services. Regarding their sammich-making future, from the Statesman story: "Following closure, Bates and Martinez will focus their efforts on revamping the menu at their trailer, for which they hope to find a permanent location soon. 'I would like to take the menu and freshen it up a bit to reflect current dining trends,' Bates said.Once they have dialed in their new menu and feel comfortable with the new operation, Bates says he plans to find a location in the suburbs and reopen the Noble Sandwich Co. deli.Bates says they have found another restaurant group to take over the space, though he was not able to share the name of the new tenant." https://www.austin360.com/entertainmentlife/20190924/noble-sandwich-co-is-closing-on-burnet-road-but-has-plans-for-future?template=ampart&__twitter_impression=true
  13. D_Goose

    Tex Mex

    My favorite mediocre Tex-Mex spot where I get the same thing every time is better than your favorite mediocre Tex-Mex spot where you get the same thing every time!
  14. Is J-Roc one of the guys in that gas app commercial?
  15. A few months ago I was in the Sunrise Mini Mart next door when a dude walked in who smelled like he had been over at Enchiladas y Mas rolling in piles of three-week-old raw onion enchiladas. The guy bought a sixer of tall boys and walked out and I was grateful I could finally exhale again. Anyway, I walk out and over to Eastside and who is behind the counter sweating puddles into my pie but Taco Bell Enchirito boy himself.
  16. I'd never encourage lingering butt-hurtedness but I do think it's understandable if you can imagine being a 19 year-old amateur athlete and you experience basically one hundred thousand fans booing you personally. I know my 19 yr old snowflake ass wouldn't have responded well to that.
  17. D_Goose

    D'onta Foreman

  18. From what I gather, you have to make it to the 1-2 month mark and be fully fat-adapted in order to function normally (or better) while doing endurance activities. There seems to be a lot about this in the keto subreddits and I think Mark Sisson, Peter Attia, et al have touched upon this topic too, especially Attia.
  19. D_Goose


    Went to Turntable once after a Horns game and when the Homeslice wait was about an hour. We were able to get food fairly quickly and I remember it being alright but definitely liked House Pizzeria more. I miss that place.
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