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Everything posted by D_Goose

  1. Herman's post game bullshit going to be something like, "we won the game, and last I checked winning is a good thing".
  2. Pretty optimistic really
  3. This shit from Boyd on the final Ehlinger INT: "I'm sure that play will be the focal point of a dozen horrible conversations this week. It's worth noting that Ehlinger was pressured, throwing to his favorite target who happens to be 6-5, and it was third and 10 so there was more than a little pressure to make something happen. The execution was bad, the punishment was an L in the standings. If not for last season, and the last decade really, it would have been an unfortunate ending and a relatively minor stain on Ehlinger's record. Instead, it'll be a talking point for the coming week if not the full season. Joy." Dude needs to get the fuck out with that shit. The fourth fucking time in what, 8 or 9 career collegiate starts this QB ends a game on an inexplicably idiotic and inexcusable mistake and Boyd's like, "but, but, minor blip, but, but, favorite receiver, but, but [cock gobble slurps cock gobble slurps] under pressure [slurp slurp].
  4. Inaccuarate, poor decision making but runs well? Sounds kinda like someone else on our team who's now a WR.
  5. Just like any one of us lounging around the house on a weekend, these players enjoy a good lazy nap after eating a bunch of pizza.
  6. Shit, 1984 Joe Montana would've been skittish behind that O-line from last year. Sam was either too concussed or regarded (or both) to not be that affected.
  7. This is what it's come to in the Strong/Herman era, ladies and gentlemen. Arguing about which team was the better loser.
  8. Herman and Co. have always preferred Sam's personality over Shane's. I think that's basically what their competition has always come down to. How many times has Herman complained about how Shane "wasn't vocal enough"? Truth is he has never really had a fair shake as long as Mensa has been here. As has been pointed out, Shane had pure dumpster fire level OL/RB play, plus Dim Beck calling square peg in a round hole plays.
  9. Shane is seriously just as good, if not better imo, but Herman and Beck clearly like Sam's personality better.
  10. Don't we want them eating some fruit and lean protein or some shit? Fucking pizza? Hope they're getting some wings too. Maybe get the hook up on some cold ones.
  11. I'm tired of our team being full of dumb asses
  12. Hit me on my Peja!
  13. D_Goose

    Austin FC

    Logo should've been a pot leaf wearing a cowboy hat with two long red-haired braids coming down.
  14. ^That's pretty damn cool right there. Without looking it up, does anybody know what that 1995 Rockets game could be? Jamal Mashburn taking a dump on Cherokee Parks' chest in the 3rd quarter?
  15. I watched the first episode but couldn' t get past the background score with that middle-eastern music like from 300 or something. Got damn Vikings fighting Saxons and whatnot on the screen and I'm listening to Ali baba and his magical lamp or some shit?
  16. Weren't all the 2015 bcbw's infected? I thought I remembered them all getting the gonorrhea that year.
  17. Classic. The ol' Bryan Colangelo defense.
  18. That's been the running joke for that area for a little while but based strictly off of development in the area the last 2-3 years we all know it's most likely going to be a mixed-use condo. Probably with Bumfucalina Tre on the first floor.
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