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  1. There's validity there, but you can fix a lot of that with your staff.
  2. DeBoer is probably a home run hire. He won't be Saban, but he'll win consistently... and won't need to always recruit his ass off like Georgia.
  3. Statistically, Quinn was actually pretty damn good under pressure (as far as passing goes). He does fold pretty quick if he really feels it.
  4. I fully enjoyed it. They could have done 8 episodes and given us a bit more shenanigans - upping the overall stakes of it all - but I thought it was very well acted, and enjoyed it. And the cinematography was top notch.
  5. I'd be very disappointed if we give up 20. ULM is not good. Like objectively bad. Still, I'd buy it.
  6. On what system? I've had no issues on a PS5. I can play on resolution or performance just fine, but I have to admit performance is a bit smoother. I just wish I could watch cutscenes in resolution mode. I find it a lot harder than zero dawn.
  7. I want to see the Hatt!
  8. I think Jeff Howe said it, but swap cook and foster, and let foster help more in the run.
  10. Just win, baby. Win, and things will fall into place.
  11. Growing up we always did sailing vacations with the fam - but never had a water maker! In the beginning we didn't even have generators or AC. They are amazing vacations, and I think especially amazing for kids. My oldest has gone to the BVI, but my two youngest still haven't had the chance, although they have enjoyed a lot of center console boating in the keys. Living in a boat takes a certain type. My parents intended to do the great loop this year on their '79 Hatteras 58ft Yachtfish, but soon realized that most of the loopers are boaters, and not yachtsmen. My dad is the type that keeps the boat pristine. Nothing out on deck - tied up a very particular way, stickler for the rules, etc. He has his 200 ton license. He considers himself at yachtsmen. Snobby? Probably... but still. So, they abandoned that idea to just stick with the ICW. They are currently in Maine and will soon work back down to go to the bahamas, and then to Marathan for a few months. I posted it before I think, but here's "Gus" docked in Manchester by the Sea (not a traditional name to be sure). She was there while we fished out of Gloucester for tuna.
  12. So, are you going to stick with the sailboat in the future, or go back to hotels and whatnot?
  13. This is the section at issue isn't it: (g)AAA student athlete participating in an intercollegiate athletic program at an institution to which this section applies: … (2) may not enter into a contract for the use of the student athlete ’s name, image, or likeness if: … (B)the compensation for the use of the student athlete ’s name, image, or likeness is provided: … (iii) in exchange for property owned by the institution or for providing an endorsement while using intellectual property or other property owned by the institution or ...
  14. I've read the bill a couple times now, and I think there is enough grey to make licensing deals. I don't think its written particularly well. Regardless, I bet Rubio's bill is law before you know it.
  15. I've been very critical of Rapinoe lately, but she didn't have a bad game. She did ball hog a bit toward the end of regulation when a pass could have potentially ended it (Jamie Tartt much?). Whatever - she was nails at the end and that's what counts.
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