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Everything posted by longhrnfan

  1. He does have some dumbass takes on sports... but he's doing a great job with the present movement, and his platform and sphere's of influence have exploded.
  2. This. But I don't think it will work out the way he wants without the platform. I have a hard time imagining we will keep him on scholarship to not play - if only because we can't do that for all the players who would want to follow suit (and you better believe the dominoes will fall). There have got to be alternatives where his voice will actually be amplified rather than snuffed out as he falls into obscurity for his remaining time at Texas. The players should look at Acho right now - he's a pretty big voice out there now and without football he would never have gotten there. He's a great model for these guys to follow.
  3. Star Wars is motherfucking BACK. "This is the way."
  4. My guess is that somehow these are tied up with deals with cable/netflix, etc. The Mandalorian alone would be worth the price for me, but I'm a nerd.
  5. This is spot on. Close to 40 million distributed to each Big 12 school last year. You can't outbid people for players, so you have to simply outbid them for the best coaches. Of course, as A&M is learning, that doesn't guarantee you shit. So, why do we keeping fucking this up? There is no answer.
  6. He always seems dumb as a rock. Could this be a consequence of grades?
  7. Fuck all of y'all haters. I'm stoked. And if you didn't get chills from "The force will be with you" "Always," then I feel bad for you.
  8. Ugh, checking in from Miami. The madness has begun. Really waiting for the 11am tomorrow to determine how hard I have to prepare, and to see if I need to go down to my folk's place in key largo.
  9. they aren't. i went through this. Just waiting on amazon to release the fire tv app for youtube tv... they came out with regular youtube immediately... but alas...
  10. It would be just like disney.
  11. I hope we get Hound v. Mountain, and then out of nowhere Arya comes and behinds the hound upon his victory.
  12. If I'm the NFL, my contracts going forward are going to deal with these issues. Don't sign the Franchise tender? No problem..., but there's a penalty the next year you do decide to play (or perhaps compensatory draft picks or some other boon for the team that didn't get to benefit from the tender). Don't want to honor a signed contract? No problem, but there will be some sort of penalty IF your team doesn't agree to trade you. (for example, if the steelers didnt trade AB and he sat this year...). The steelers decided to pay AB rather than the other WRs we had at that time... Now AB gets to unilateral punish the steelers because he made a bad deal? Crazy. I'm fine with some measure of guaranteed money, but its going not going to be 100%, and its going to come with major stipulations. Bottom Line - both sides need to honor their contracts AS WRITTEN, or be penalized... you know, like real life.
  13. Anyone up to date? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. this is my dilemma as well. i have next to ZERO conference pride. I've longed for Texas to go independent for awhile, but I understand it probably doesn't make sense.
  15. Seriously. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. You went even less defense? just as OC
  17. 1. Set up trust. 2. Set aside like 20 million to go crazy with. private jet/yacht charters, etc. 3. Rest is put in conservative investments, perhaps some rental properties to throw off some cash.
  18. Buying property could be a good investment. You'll lose a lot of money on the plane, so I agree there. And if the recording studio is set up correctly, it wont be hard to generate income there either.
  19. ESPN is dying for Texas to be back. If we take care of business, this shit is on.
  20. While I liked Rogue One, I actually preferred Solo. I liked both. I think my problem with Rogue (and its small) is that I'm not a big fan of felicity jones in that role. Diego Luna, however, was great. Also, Saw Gerrera should have either been written out, or given an expanded role. Not everyone watched Clone Wars. Rogue gave me two of my favorite characters in Chirrut and Baze. I was not a fan of the first 10-20 minutes of solo. Really, until he meets Chewy.
  21. They do better when they don't try to shove half the movies into pre-existing canon. It feels artificial at times. They should focus on the live action television/streaming show, with the only overlap being the type of alien life/droids. No jedi. No sith. No focus on the rebellion/resistance vs. empire/first order. New characters, new conflicts. All those things can be easter eggs. We don't need to know about mandalore. We dont need to know about the hutts rise to prominence. They can touch on those things, but we better get ALL new characters.
  22. I fully expect Patterson to run the ball at us 100 times, including 50 jet sweeps.
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