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Everything posted by longhrnfan

  1. That movie came out of no where to be excellent. We are going to jump on that spaceship over there, wanna come?
  2. I'm surprised the cops were so cool about it.
  3. I thought it was terrible. I'd still watch on FX every time it comes on b/c I'm a sucker for stupid popcorn flicks. I expected: 1) A different story direction, 2) Tense Moments, 3) Fewer human villains. I didn't get that.
  4. I think the far bigger story here is Maxine Waters. She should really come out and offer some clarity on her remarks.
  5. I don't either. They can refuse service. She can complain. When I read the law that she allegedly broke by using her official handle, I don't see a violation insofar as she didn't use it for gain.
  6. Pat Riley has orchestrated some fantastic moves in the past. We'll see if he can make a play, or rather, tries. I'd bet on LA.
  7. I'm ashamed to say I'm an annual pass holder. My kids and wife love disney. One thing of note for you: GET TO THE PARKS BEFORE THEY OPEN. You will get so much more done if you start early (when doors open). For MK, go directly to mine train - presently the longest line on average - , then go back to space mountain. Alternatively, go directly to splash and thunder after mine train and you can probably ride them at 5-15 minute waits a few times. Whatever you don't plan to do first thing, save for PM or midday fast passes. Don't waste fast passes for early morning stuff when lines are more reasonable. Don't be afraid to start early, go nap/rest/pool at hotel in afternoon, and then go back to parks late afternoon/night.
  8. I'm genuinely surprised that Miami isn't really in contention.
  9. England. Followed by Brazil (saw them in the cotton bowl against the Netherlands in '94 and fell in love). Argentina b/c of my wife's family. Germany b/c I love the way the play. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing a surprise either.
  10. Lost was escapist television. It transported you to this mysterious place, and you were motivated to try to figure out the mystery episode by episode. Still my favorite.
  11. god help anyone that tried to talk to me DURING the show.
  12. Well said.
  13. why isn't this a super regionals thread now?
  14. He's been high on Texas. I'm always a kool-aid drinker, but I'm of the opinion that Herman pulls 2 more wins out this year than he is supposed to.
  15. I'm a big Jeff Howe fan. Is that permitted to be said on Surly?
  16. Spotify 4 Life.
  17. oh come on. alien titty milk was sorta awesome.
  18. Speaking of Garrett Wilson... did anyone ever do an analysis of the WRs to get to the NFL under Urban as of late?
  19. Thats a BIG time happy note.
  20. Agreed. Didn't take it that way at all. Thats why we are here after all, to discuss. Back to the matter at hand... While I think the Warriors are going to stomp the Cavs, if Lebron plays out of his mind and can single-handedly pull this off... all the folks that still maintain MJ as the greatest are going to have to come around. True or False?
  21. I'm just basing it on what I saw. Stats were clearly there, but when you compare Lebron as of late, to Lebron then... he was a different player. No killer instinct in that series whatsoever compared to prior finals. Settled for jumpers when driving would have been the superior choice. I follow the heat closely given I live in Miami (although I'm a Spurs fan before all else), so I may have some bias I suppose. Totally subjective thing - I know the stats said he played well.
  22. I'm sure it was before, but you SAW it in his play during the finals. At least thats what I saw.
  23. I wonder how Trevarrow's exit on IX plays into all this. I know the rumors, but perhaps Kennedy and company wanted to simply go back to the Abram's vision - which did well even if it was a rehashing of ANH. Apparently Trevarrow wanted to bring back both Luke and Snoke.
  24. You guys are going overboard. Don't fuck with the uniforms or the field. Everything else is fair game.
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