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Everything posted by BigBenBamboozle

  1. No, it's clearly a computer simbrulation.
  2. All of this waiting is really giving me Bru balls.
  3. This will be a blacklab-sending-a-response-to-DFigs-level of epic-ness if this happens. Can you imagine??
  4. Let's head to the 2020 board, nothing more to see with NSD 2, basically have the class finis----
  5. Most likely not... but there's a less-than-zero chance Bru and his parents got sold a bill of goods to get him to commit and stabilize the ship. If the McCoy family feels lied to... who knows??
  6. No one knows, is the short answer. The transfer portal is a brave new world of backchannels and lawyering for immediate playing time.
  7. Everyone should be tracking of the ever-evolving research on our gut microbiomes. A lot of cutting edge nutrition and wellness specialists have gotten on the fermented foods bandwagon. The wife and I try to eat a little fermented foods 1-2 times a day with our meals. This is either sauerkraut, kimchi (our favorite), fermented veggies like okra or cucumbers, kefir or kombucha. The gut-brain connection is really just being fully explored, and I've noticed a massive improvement since pairing this with a balanced diet, exercise and daily meditation.
  8. Shocking levels of confirmation bias from the same site with a massive QAnon following. 😑
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