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  1. Maryland's athletics department and admininstration has been a mess for a long time which is why their athletics teams are playing games in the Midwest. The Athletics Dept is broke and they don't have a large endowment for the flagship school in a wealthy state.
  2. Nebraska looks like a high school team.
  3. Phillip91

    UCLA @ OU

    He's been there for two games and you're playing a freshman QB on the road against a good team. Don't jump off the cliff yet.
  4. Patterson did fine given the pressure he faced because the tackles were awful. The inability to develop two decent tackles is going to be the big problem this year.
  5. The coach isn't more important at schools that aspire to be more the football factories. Nothing has changed at Ohio State.
  6. It's worse when a program at Ohio State's level does this because they don't need Urban Meyer to win a lot of games. They will have great recruiting classes forever which is why 2 average coaches like Cooper and Tressel were able to win a lot. Ohio State has made a lot of progress as a university in the last 25 years and they're going to tarnish it with this crap.
  7. John Landis has made many comedy classics but Oscar was horrendous.
  8. It would be appropriate if Jay Paterno was at the rally.
  9. Given the situation I don't think they will be hiring the guy that played Joe Mixon.
  10. Charles Whitman is about mental illness, not masculinity.
  11. The cheating would be 100 times worse because of how important big time sports are to universities. That would also make college football have much less national appeal since all the schools would be in a handful of states with the most talent.
  12. Tom Jurich was able to fundraise because there were corporations in Louisville that wanted to raise the profile of the university and football was the best way. Does anyone care about Kansas football? If you think the NCAA is going to be knocking at your door, Tom Jurich is the last guy you want to have around.
  13. I think Michigan State's continued awfulness merits a thread. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/ridiculous-larry-nassar-board-meeting-michigan-state-needs-clean-house-222116940.html
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