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Burnt Ends
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Nicole44 last won the day on December 13 2022

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About Nicole44

  • Birthday January 13

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  1. Love that he ran for TD and then they show him hurling in a trashcan and then after that eating a rice crispy cookie. Dude is having the time of his fucking life.
  2. The Mestemaker kid is a badass. You know the SMU HC is scouting him. Same for a few other schools. How you go from not starting for years to a walk on to starting QB in a showcase bowl game. Regardless people are watching. Pretty fucking cool. Like holy shit!
  3. Nothing to see here. Just ISiS. fuck’em. Stick that black flag up his corpse’s ass and blow his remains up on live tv. I’m at the Peach Bowl! Hook’em!
  4. Is anyone meeting up or tailgating before the game? anyone going to Hudson Grill? Or is there a better place or group? I’m in town so I didn’t know if there was any big group doing anything. I’ve got tickets obviously but what are people doing from 10-12?
  5. Fuck the fact that the score is as close as it is despite all the drives that end in nothing Boise State still has a chance. Fuck Penn State.
  6. I haven’t seen this posted SIAP This is scary and crazy
  7. This is a bowl mother fucking game! Pop Tarts created a must see bowl game in like two years. Masterful.
  8. Pop Tart bowl is fucking poppin! Sprinkles are for winners!!!
  9. Congrats NIU. Happy for them! Great Win! I want to call out ESPN for referring to the Bulldogs repeatedly on the screen as the Bulldongs thru out their broadcast. Thank you ESPeen! Wow!
  10. Doesn’t Tampa Baker have a lot to still play for? This would imply that we get a 4 INT special from him tonite.
  11. Dallas media needs to grow a pair and go after him collectively. Is 29 years of incompetence not enough? At least Texas Monthly gave him the Bum Steer of the Year award. i love Dallas ok but Jerruh is a pile of dogshit. Dallas wasn’t gonna do dick in the playoffs anyway.
  12. My neighbor has orange and white lights Christmas lights and an inflatable Longhorn mascot in the lawn. but it’s cracking me that the inflatable Longhorn’s head is up oddly like that almost like going “thank God.” Hook’em! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
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