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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Air traffic controllers asked pilot to readjust to land on a shorter runway right before the crash is what the news is saying? I don’t know I am just listening and typing which is rare for me, Damn. I try to avoid the news mostly but it’s been weeks of shit. This sucks.
  2. Have yall seen this I scrolled thru fast but I didn’t see it posted, it’s the crash video, SIAP watch the big bright light in middle and the small helicopter flying into it https://x.com/skankyskunk47/status/1884797591675675100?s=46&t=wR1WsslZNubrCBLx8_7YLQ
  3. This says it all. Jerry the Businessman should fire Jerry the GM but he won’t. He only wants to win if he can claim 100% of the credit. Otherwise it’s just a publicity money making circus that no one fears and is a fucking joke.
  4. Come on Texans! tired of the KC SB thing. knock them out, IDC if Taylor comes to the Super Bowl naked and dances in their box. We want some new shit.
  5. I wish him all the best and thank him for bringing hope back to the fans! Hook’em! I will pray Quinn goes to a good team. And has a long career. It really is about the team that drafts you not necessarily what pick or what round you go. 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🎸🎸🎸🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
  6. Yes. We need to take the win pussies! All gas no brakes and fuck up their $20 million dollar team. LFG.
  7. truth. We can’t let some Dillards manager that fired Santa beat us. No sir! LFG!
  8. We need to announce our presence with authority with a nice long TD run! LFG!!!!
  9. We got this! fuck the refs. We are gonna win damnit!
  10. I just need to know which one of you this is…. I know it’s a surly. Our game is not until tomorrow damnit.
  11. Not trying at all to be political but this person is offering free meals and the ability to stay in his restaurant’s large parking lot as long as needed for those on this path fleeing the apocalypse been praying and I wish I could do more. I was devastated watching the Texas panhandle go up in flames not too long ago and I wish I could offer more than prayer and such. Like actual physical help and donations. anyway here is the tweet if you want to pass it along to anyone headed in that direction. Sorry wasn’t trying to be political at all. Just a place to stop and rest and get a meal and camp out if needed.
  12. I’m in Atlanta. Still. Came for the Peach Bowl and I haven’t left Atlanta…yet. It’s too cold to fuck with people on Rainey right now. Spring is much better. Lol,
  13. Love that he ran for TD and then they show him hurling in a trashcan and then after that eating a rice crispy cookie. Dude is having the time of his fucking life.
  14. The Mestemaker kid is a badass. You know the SMU HC is scouting him. Same for a few other schools. How you go from not starting for years to a walk on to starting QB in a showcase bowl game. Regardless people are watching. Pretty fucking cool. Like holy shit!
  15. Nothing to see here. Just ISiS. fuck’em. Stick that black flag up his corpse’s ass and blow his remains up on live tv. I’m at the Peach Bowl! Hook’em!
  16. Is anyone meeting up or tailgating before the game? anyone going to Hudson Grill? Or is there a better place or group? I’m in town so I didn’t know if there was any big group doing anything. I’ve got tickets obviously but what are people doing from 10-12?
  17. Fuck the fact that the score is as close as it is despite all the drives that end in nothing Boise State still has a chance. Fuck Penn State.
  18. I haven’t seen this posted SIAP This is scary and crazy
  19. This is a bowl mother fucking game! Pop Tarts created a must see bowl game in like two years. Masterful.
  20. This is fun!
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