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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Nicole44

  1. 2 hours ago, Bill Brasky said:

    cross him off then 

    It’s a shame the drunk driver that killed him and his brother can’t be crossed off. But life doesn’t work that way. This is a horrible situation for his family. Hope the loser drunk driver suffers the rest of his life. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    An affidavit for an arrest warrant filed Friday, a day after Brenna Swindell's disappearance, states that Guidry strangled his girlfriend multiple times and slammed her head onto the floor at an apartment complex July 7.

    The victim was not named in the affidavit, but Travis County sheriff's office spokesperson Kristen Dark confirmed to the American-Statesman that she was Brenna Swindell.

    Dark said the affidavit was filed more than a month after the incident because Brenna Swindell had decided on Aug. 20 to press charges against Guidry.

    The woman suffered numerous injuries, including to her clavicle, head, neck and hand. She told deputies that she threw a box of ammunition on the ground and ran to an exit while Guidry grabbed a rifle, the affidavit says. She told deputies she believed Guidry would kill her.

    When authorities responded to the apartment, Guidry had left with his rifle, but they found the loose ammunition on the ground, the affidavit says.


    Fuck Guidry. Typical asshole. Most dangerous time for a woman is when she leaves. Why meet him after she pressed charges? Damnit. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Sadly, I don't interpret those notes as the handwriting of a woman under duress, but of a dude who is barely literate. To me, the mixed case (I WeNt BAcK tO speND ONe LASt Night With her.) suggests someone who doesn't have a lot of experience in handwriting ... a la a third-grader.

    I wish the capital letters were some kind of code but he does write like a moron. Sadly not a code like drink more ovaltine oh well. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This is not an unlikely hypothesis.  She wrote the notes (that sure looks like female handwriting), so it was either under duress (possible) or voluntary (also possible).  Don't know which is more likely, but going off on a jointly self-destructive bender is not outside the realm of possibility.

    Agreed. No notes to her 3 kids. See you on the other side. No note to family at all. The first note is about him. “I went back to spend one LAST night with her.” Not a bender. last. See you on the other side. 

    She probably met up with him because he coaxed her into it and got under his control but I don’t blame people for wanting a better outcome. No way she just turns off her phone and turns off her car GPS. He likely planned this in case she said she wasn’t going to get back with him. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

    They ran away, she'll be fine once cooler heads prevail.  They both signed the note (see the plus sign under his name?) regarding skipping town and then he added "see you on the other side" as a footnote...just my take.  Ditched the phones, likley on drugs/bender. 

    Hope so. That’s the best possible outcome. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    So I've done some google searching, and it's possible this is Morgan Guidry's inactive or rarely used Twitter account: https://twitter.com/MorganGuidry9

    Only follows 30 accounts, but one of them is Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, which is curious since the car was last spotted in nearby Idaho. 



    See the world—if double meaning in the note plenty of spots with a good view of everything. To see the “world.” The shit part is she/he go missing 8/22. Even if blazing all night and day driving how long does that take to drive there? Hoping he took her to a cabin or something in the mountains. 

    also, yikes, Grand Teton (eastern border) was where Gabby’s body was found. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Those notes are creepy as hell.  This is not good.

    No. I don’t know her life story but no way does she just not write something to her folks and her kids. Maybe he wrote it left handed trying to mimic her writing? Hoping she was still alive and he made her write it. She has chance then 😢 . i think he probably has a gun or similar to keep her under control if so. If not he came prepared for this ill fated meet up with a “if I can’t have you” type attitude if she said no. 

  8. Just now, Jerry Callo said:

    She appeared to sign it as well.  Maybe a Thelma and Louise situation.

    The handwriting is different for a guy. Except where his name is written. Maybe had her write it. So I guess some hope there maybe. She may have problems but I doubt she willingly gave up her phone. More like he wanted to be with her and she said no and either he killed her or is holding her hostage. (Hoping for hostage bc she might still be alive.) but as others have said this isn’t going to end well. 

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