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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. I am so depressed about this. It’s heartbreaking 💔 to see places just destroyed like that and people evacuating. I’m not ashamed of growing up in the Panhandle. For a long time I thought even about moving back. I’d rather live in New Mexico but it’s still heart wrenching nonetheless. Hoping for a reprieve from Mother Nature 🌬️
  2. When I was little my brother and I had an older babysitter who had lived through the dust bowl and the stories she would tell were fascinating. She passed away at 101 in 2002 I think. Anyway I wonder what she would think of what is happening in the Panhandle right now. It’s heartbreaking
  3. I’m just stunned watching all this transpire. ❤️‍🩹 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼
  4. Dayum…people are crazy. It’s like Twister spawned a legion of chasers. Generations of them. He is live-streaming on YouTube but I can’t make the link work.
  5. Hang on to your butts Illinois…
  6. This is just fucking heartbreaking 💔 over 200,000 acres and 0% contained. I just….heartbroken.
  7. This just hits close to home literally…(grew up in Amarillo…) god… SIAP. Busy working on a project.
  8. All this fast food talk reminded me of a sign I saw circulating: (I am all for creative advertising.)
  9. Aeons ago, our ancestors created our great Frontier, a barrier of energy encircling the peaceful systems of the Universe and forever shutting out the scourge that plagues beyond. Fellow Rylans, because of a dark betrayal... our Frontier will soon collapse. So we turn to you, Starfighters and your Navigators, whom of all the billions of creatures in the Star League, only you few were found to possess the umm..."gift." YOU... and you alone... stand between us and the black terror of the Ko-Dan. VICTORY OR DEATH!
  10. Yeah he’s fucked. The last several murder cases I have followed the perp/unsub got nailed by video/camera.
  11. Good. I’m glad there will be a wealth of video evidence to show he did this.
  12. Lots of questions as to why they took out the blue emergency lights a while back.
  13. As for how the suspect encountered Laken, his neighbors say he was quiet guy (oops) who most of the time sat outside his apartment on the front porch. Laken often went for a run as she was track and field in high school and kept up with it in college. She’d often use the apartment complex as a cut through on her way to the lake:area where she would jog.
  14. Yes it is. hopefully with all the cameras around (this has been huge in apprehension, charging/ arresting and conviction. Cameras all over the damn place making it nearly impossible to get away with this shit. It may take many hundreds of hours in some cases to go through all the footage and follow a criminal from the crime to an ending place or follow where they came from but cameras and footage are a fucking game changer like cell phone data and GPS/onstar stuff.
  15. That would be so awkward m. But proof people can restrain themselves on a fucking plane. These people aren’t flight disrupters but they could have been. They handled it with class unlike the morons mainly featured in this thread:
  16. Hold your beer Alabama! Missouri, Texas, Arkansas and Arizona would like to buy you a drink! Can’t get a divorce if pregnant! Even if your spouse is beating the shit out of you. Must wait until you give birth first! FML!!! https://fox4kc.com/news/missouri-law-says-pregnant-women-cant-get-divorced/ JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – As it stands, Missouri judges cannot legally finalize a divorce if a woman is pregnant. Three other states have similar laws: Texas, Arizona and Arkansas. While a couple can still file for divorce in Missouri, the court must wait until after a woman gives birth in order to finalize child custody and child support. When it comes to domestic violence, there are no exceptions. “It just doesn’t make sense in 2024,” said State Rep. Ashley Aune, a Democrat representing District 14 in Platte County, and that’s where it becomes a problem for her.
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