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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Is it just me or is Rahm’s ass getting fatter?
  2. Fleetwood looks like everyone’s cool uncle.
  3. Scottie!!!! I also love the Fleetwood guy. How can you not?
  4. Go Scottie! He just yelled Hook’em horns with that last shot. I don’t know why he is not more popular with surly.
  5. Why Alfred beat her already today…twice.
  6. Way to go Alfred! 🤘🏼🤘🏼 happy for St Lucia. I thought the results would bear out that way bc of the semis but honestly it kinda worried me Richardson was messing with her hair right before time. But I think Richardson knew from the semis Alfred had this one.
  7. NBC laser focused on Richardson as though she’s running solo in this event.
  8. Damn Nederland. They ran a near perfect race. Shit. wish they did more mix stuff. That was fun to watch.
  9. I hope the rain doesn’t fuck with the women’s 100. cant wait to see our 4x400 mix. We smoked everyone’s asses getting into the final.
  10. Hail Crouser mighty god of shot put! Closest thing we have to a real Thor! 🤘🏼🤘🏼
  11. I want to see some kind of event that incorporates limbo, zip line and chugging a beer. I mean a little danger and humor.
  12. I wanna see him going out breaking a record. He gets better with each throw.
  13. Triple jump final for women coming up. And in about 40 mins the mixed 4x400 which we absolutely smoked qualifying for the final.
  14. Clayton kinda smoked them. Pretty great semi for a teenager.
  15. Richardson got off bad and Alfred a better race to get into final. I love NBC talking about how in that short of time Richardson changed her strategy. Would have loved to see mommy Rocket in there.
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