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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. I love this so much. FloJo is my favorite of all time though.
  2. Holy shit! ryan crouser Looks great considering all he’s been thru the past two years. LFG!
  3. LFG Crouser!!!! (Edit bc autocorrect hates me)
  4. Holy shit Ireland dude came out of nowhere kinda to win that prelim. France second. Set up nicely for the final.
  5. And here we go…last chance men’s 1500M to make it through….the crowd is great btw. Packed fucking house. So unlike Tokyo.
  6. Every time I watch Judo in the Olympics:
  7. I’m gonna miss Biles. Damn. Dusty for some reason. Also, I’m really happy for Andrade. She is even according to Biles a fierce competitor. One she’s happy to never face again. Biles is beyond stunning to watch. Perfect blend of power, toughness and magic. Happy for all of our ladies. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Seeing John Travolta in the crowd I wonder if he would pronounce her name: Sim-oh-nay Bee-les
  8. Seeing that crowd and all the athletes…makes me wish I owned a taco truck in Paris. I’d be banking.
  9. Holy fucking shit is right. OR too. Hot damn.
  10. Let’s go Allie! Hope she can advance!
  11. I know I’ve mentioned this before but my mom’s across the street neighbor and friend for the past decade is Tonja Buford-Bailey and she is coaching Gabby at this Olympics and a few others. She is an amazing friend and person and it’s cool my mom is friends with an Olympian. Tonja and her hubby Victor (former NFL WR) are always helping my mom with stuff bc my mom is 76 and a widow. That's my humble brag for the day.
  12. We were in a different zip code in that heat. Ryan Crowser should be up in a bit…
  13. Damn we are flying in 4x4 holy shit WR
  14. Congrats on Whittni Morgan making the finals for 5000 meter. T&F is hopping today!
  15. Dang that Chinese trampolinist…hope she is ok. They get so high up in the air. China fell apart on the finals.
  16. I’m looking forward to the trampoline! We’ll track & field also. Probably not a ton of y’all watch rhythmic gymnastics but the choreography is pretty amazing.
  17. The debate on this rages online but was reading the women are wearing sunblock (not sunscreen) hence the whiter color of their faces. But it is considered high fashion in China and South Korea to be lily white.
  18. Pennywise the Clown pops up once every 27 years. 🤔
  19. I love that Italy got silver and Brazil got bronze. Huge deal for both of those countries. We are just the dream team. Amazing how dominant we are. Good! Fuck ya’
  20. 🇺🇸America! 🇺🇸 Fuck Ya!
  21. Crushed it! Gold! Happy for Italy! That’s awesome! No Russia and no China fucking a right!
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