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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Like now when I watch golf and I see both Jordan and Scottie in the same tournament I wish them both victory—but I KNOW Scottie is going to be in the top 5 whereas I hope Jordan will do well. It’s a very different trajectory right now.
  2. Golf channel just focusing on Jordan and breaking down his swing and fundamentals. Pretty painful. I don’t know when or why Jordan changed up what he was doing (or coaching him) but he needs to go back to what made him great initially. Cuz the shit he’s doing now ain’t working. And it’s painful listening to him been broken down to sloppy fundamentals.
  3. Scottie is dominant. He continues to build on that dominance. I wish Jordan could be consistent like that. Bc Jordan is exciting to watch when he’s on…which really hasn’t been all that much lately. Scottie is just damn good.
  4. All I remember was the criminal trial was a wreck. DNA evidence was relatively new. Not the gold standard it is for guilt now. Had the case been tried a couple of years later GUILTY. I will always remember the civil trial and the ugly ass Bruno Magli shoes that he said he’d never wear but they could prove he did. Dana Carvey’s stand up on OJ was great back then. Framing OJ ! Ugly ass shoes. If the shoe fits…
  5. I get teased daily that I’m the Rainey Street Ripper. I mean it’s cool bc now my inbox isn’t flooded with crap anymore. Plus, I’m notorious now. I’ve been on X lately a lot more bc I’m following a case of a young boy in Tennessee who went missing. He has autism. Someone very close to me has autism and this particular case strikes a chord with me. At any rate, most people are good people that follow this case. but There are a few though that will find every tweet you make and attack you for thinking his mom/stepdad might be guilty. I used to respond to those attacks. It’s not like they stopped attacking and they agreed with me they just kept posting and attacking and I’d attack back. and it derailed a very good thread regarding theories and information on this young boy. Finding him is so important. After that I no longer acknowledge. I just ignore. And keep ignoring. I don’t block anyone on the chance they might have good info but now that I ignore people instead of trying to make them agree with me, it doesn’t bother me anymore and it won’t derail threads. The OP can deal with it. Jmo. My two cents that no one asked for ever. Looking forward to returning to Austin at some point and hanging out in the entertainment district. Check out the lake and order some Chilean sea bass (the epitome of class and elegance in fine dining.)
  6. Is there also hope to see the Devil’s comet with a telescope also? SIAP. I’ve been busy working on job interview stuff. This person’s X handle cracks me up:
  7. You were looking into the abyss and it was looking back at you.
  8. Some places in Kentucky seem pretty fun and safe right now. Like being blown by winds/rain down the sidewalk.
  9. “Unhoused” just sounds so much like the “unwashed” or something you read in the Bible. Why do we keep changing the terms of great many things? Does that help/hurt or bring more attention? It’s just weird to me. Not really a criticism but I don’t see how unhoused is a better way of saying homeless. Maybe it is just me. But yes the unhoused problem is rampant. But if you complain about it you are a pearl clutching jerk. You don’t care about them if you complain about the real shit happening on the streets etc…people living without much dignity. Calling it a different name doesn’t help to fix the issues being created around downtown. And we’ve discussed this on blast. I care about the unhoused and have multiple times shared programs and places that have had very good success. Does Austin want to be one of those places or would they rather use polite terms and do nothing?
  10. Man…I’m glad I’m not this guy’s attorney. Even more sad fallout from the school bus/concrete truck wreck.
  11. Within about 90 seconds, police officers responded that they had managed to stop vehicle traffic over the bridge in both directions. One said he was about to drive onto the bridge to alert a construction crew. https://apnews.com/article/baltimore-key-bridge-collapse-03-27-2024-6a95340e5daeff6551fc999d23feb278 very sad about the construction crew. I wasn’t aware of how many construction workers die in the job each year and was kind of shocked-same for road crew types. Just a staggering number.
  12. Uh…hmmm 26 seconds in…maybe they are just saying hello?
  13. This is kinda shitty (so it belongs here bc enshittening) but which one of you is this (great name btw):
  14. It’s pretty simple. Just don’t go swimming in the ocean. If I was in some small boat or kayak I’d have had a heart attack. And even though the pair of orcas are hunting them they are still apex predator.
  15. I’d guess that is probably the case. We don’t know shit and they may never share all of that but it tracks. She is in her 40’s and has had three kids. Hysterectomies are common at that age. Plus she had really difficult pregnancies. Most women get them because you start experiencing problems and other things (i will likely have one in the next year at some point.) then they do the biopsy thing and you find out it’s a bigger deal after the surgery. Ovarian cancer is scary bc no symptoms. Sounds like it was caught early. It’s just all a private deal and get why she didn’t want to say what the surgery was for. Probably expected to come back in 4-6 weeks but then was told hey you have cancer so heal up so you can go thru chemo. That likely hit them like a ton of bricks.
  16. Damn. Well most people were not that far off thinking it was a major health issue. The PR was bungled badly. Hope she recovers soon. What are the odds both she and Charles were diagnosed with cancer at the same time in the same hospital. Sounds logical to think she underwent a routine hysterectomy for issues and found out there was cancer. Cancer sucks. She looks very thin (not that she wasn’t already) probably why they had her in horizontal stripes. This will really cause people to rally around her and the monarchy. It really seemed even a few hours ago we were witnessing the downfall of it .
  17. There are two separate camps. Will/Kate Kensington Palace (and that may be potentially splintered if she’s doing her own thing) and Buckingham Palace—Charles/Tampon lady. It appears that the Mother’s Day photoshopped to shit picture + statement, the TMZ picture of the woman in the car with Kate’s mom, the picture of the back of the woman’s head in the car with Will and the video of “Kate and Will” walking are all coming from Kensington. Buckingham Palace has not really weighed in at all. All the statements about her surgery, recovery, return date and so forth are coming from KP. It is weird watching the King/Tampon’s press aparatus remain oddly silent. It’s either will and Kate together running the shit show or it’s just Will running it if Kate has disappeared or is too ill to do so.
  18. So she was last photographed with her family attending church on Christmas Day. Big deal—not grainy far away shots it was an official public appearance. on 12/28/23 a Royal palace motorcade was seen going from where Will and Kate were staying to the same hospital she ultimately ended up in for her planned abdominal surgery. No one commented on this at the time, palace wise but it made the rounds on X with video. Then in mid-January it was announced that she was having this planned surgery that took most Royal watchers and UK press by surprise as she and Will had many engagements planned and also a planned trip to Italy. Charles goes into same hospital at same time Kate is there for his prostate and wound up with cancer. Will is seen officially visiting the hospital one time. Then many Royal announcements that the surgery was a success and wasn’t cancer and she’d return after Easter. then someone decided bc of all the social media rumors to put out the photoshopped picture with a message from Kate. We see how that went. Then TMZ published a far away shot of a woman in a car driven by Kate’s mom and said it was Kate but it was super grainy. No one believed this either so KP puts out a picture of a woman facing g away from the camera saying it was her hitching a ride to an appointment with Will in the car while he was headed to a commonwealth day appearance. Only one shot of the back of a woman’s head. People went nuts again on social media so they did the shopping trip at Windsor farm video. This quieted no one. It looks zero like Kate. Now the press is saying she is working from home that she ain’t no show pony and she won’t be rushed back to official duties. And also yes, she has either been seen in the sense that they want us to believe all the grainy far away staged looking pictures are Kate. No one really thinks she’s been seen officially since 12/25/23.
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