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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Some van has been found with out of state plates is what they are saying on scanner. I should stop listening to scanner and trying to watch tv. Lol.
  2. I flip channels. Nervous habit since I stopped drinking two plus years ago. But since no one is going to commercial I guess I can just pick one and stick with it.
  3. Van Jones is speaking on CNN. Just amazing. He is an amazing speaker. Jmo.
  4. This is making the rounds. What is this logo? This logo is not on the shooter’s shirt as far as I know. I remember being on the Boston Marathon Bomber thread with yall and we were all trying to figure out what was on their caps and such
  5. I was at that game. It was right after my dad died. It was literally an assassination of that team. They haven’t been the same since. VY was the assassin. It didn’t seem like a real game to me.
  6. CNN playing someone’s cell video that appears to be people in the crowd yelling there is a shooter on the roof before shots rang out. People who were close to the building/rooftop.
  7. I wonder wheee we would be if RFK had lived. If MLK had lived. If JFK had lived. I think most of us know that it was CIA related. I just wish they would open the Kennedy files. We all deserve to know. I hope RFK jr gets a detail at least now. Sorry if I’m jacked up. I’ve been sober over two years and this is normally where I’d get drunk and get in trouble posting. I’m just freaked out and worried about all the other potential people who could be targets. Depending on who the shooter is and motivation behind the shooting and if there are more shooters waiting for more targets. It’s upsetting so I hope I don’t piss anyone off. Not my intention.
  8. I am cross posting. Different angle. I like Jennifer. She’s former FBI and awesome. And also nice to me on X when I do post on her platform. Always interacts with people. that angle I hadn’t seen yet. SIAP. Posted it in the we are fucked thread.
  9. Totally different angle if you haven’t seen it. I like Jennifer. She is former FBI. She’s super nice to me on X so there is that also.
  10. President Biden cutting short Delaware trip headed back to WH. May address the nation again tonite if necessary.
  11. The scary thing is we don’t know if it is contained to just this event. If others are targets. Period. We don’t know dick about the shooter or any motivations. I worry about everyone else right now. I worry about the safety of Biden, Harris, members of Congress, Supreme Court. we don’t have a fucking clue who did this nor why or if connected to something bigger. And we just saw what appears to be a colossal failure by secret service. So ya, it’s scary to me, absolutely.
  12. We are in uncharted territory now. I mean it is odd how it does kind of mirror 1968 in some ways. Obviously apples and oranges, but LBJ steps aside. A few months later we have MLK and RFK assassinated. The political climate then was at 11 as well, plus war abroad. But many of our troops getting killed. It was a scary time. I’m not trying necessarily to equate the two but there are similarities. I wasn’t alive back then but I’m sure a few surly posters were. That can speak to the climate back then.
  13. Agreed. I don’t want to be a part of that. Sorry. Not trying to upset or anger anyone. My bad. Just really confused how counter snipers wouldn’t see dude crawling up that kinda yellowish building. Or up on that roof? It’s weird. I know failures happen but we haven’t had failures like that since the 1980’s here right? I can’t remember one.
  14. So MSNBC saying shooter was maybe taken out by counter sniper but they didn’t notice the dude crawling up the building? This is bizarre as fuck
  15. I wasn’t trying to do that. Some people are pushing it was teleprompter glass that hit him. We don’t know if that’s true either. We don’t know much of anything other than three other attendees were hit. not trying to push a fake picture. Just saying if it was real it was an amazing picture.
  16. Well yes. How confident would you feel about your detail now if you were Biden, Harris or Trump? I mean with Reagan it was like holy fuck how did he get that close? With this it would seem like that they would have had SS on that rooftop if so close?
  17. I thought so too. Someone else said it was fake? But I mean if it’s real it’s a heck of a picture. I tried to get my shitty neighbors firework show on the 4th with my phone camera and all pics looked awful, but they have better cameras than me.
  18. Two attendees critically injured and one attendee dead. Shooter killed. The Secret Service and FBI will ferret out everything to do with all of it. I have confidence they will find out everything. Maybe y'all don’t. No matter where all of the evidence leads. RFK Jr deserves some form of SS protection. his family gave enough to the US. People can think what they want about the shooter and why and what’s behind it, right now it looks like a failure of SS. I have every confidence the investigation will get to the truth.
  19. One person, rally attendee killed one person, rally attendee badly hurt shooter dead. Identity unknown. thats the best info so far.
  20. 150 yards….man in Lethal Weapon Riggs hit a guy from a 1000 yards in high wind. But I would think the perimeter that close would have been cleared? That is just fucking bizarre to me.
  21. Not having this happen in a long time all briefings and info will only be coming from the Secret Service at this point. So who knows what info we get and when we get it. Most of what’s on social media is probably accurate regarding shooter but it may not be. Fluid.
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