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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Gloves are off. A new report (rumors of one) is that when he would meet with Cabinet officials staff would ask for bullet points ahead of time of what would be discussed in upcoming meetings and he would refer to cards addressing each bullet point. The gloves are off. They asked him politely to step aside. Maybe for months. He said no. They encouraged an early debate and it went poorly. They let the press beat him up for the better part of ten days. All the while talking him up as a person and a president asking him to think of his legacy. He told them to fuck off. Donors are freezing their donations. He told them to fuck off. There is no way this doesn’t go poorly tonite if he is as bad off as the newest round of reports that will hit the press if he doesn’t step aside in his presser tonite.
  2. Pritzker or Moore. That depends on how long Biden keeps fighting. I have thought about this the last 72 hours especially in light of Clooney’s piece and possible approval from Obama. Obama has visit d the White House they said on NPR something like 130 times in the Biden presidency. Math ain’t my thing but that’s a lot. If anyone as able to see the decline in Biden it would be him. It’s not like he could go to the press and say Biden needs to step down now. He may have tried to influence him for several months to step aside. And was unsuccessful so he encouraged Biden to call for an early unprecedented debate knowing it would go poorly for Biden. So bc of the July 4th holiday the press started feeding off Biden while Dems kept saying what a wonderful man, public servant and President he’s been in the hopes he would step aside. This didn’t work so now the next phase of the attack on him. If he stands strong tonite the attacks will be brutal the gloves which had mostly been on will come off and they do not care if it destroys him. It all depends on Biden. all of this moo I don’t know shit absolutely it shit obviously. Watching as a concerned person citizen.
  3. I think it’s already over but the shouting (on Biden’s part): everything suggests that if they have to go ugly they will to pressure him off the stage. Possibly just waiting for NATO to leave town. They will do whatever it takes to force him to step aside. Including and not limited to destroying his legacy. They are ready and waiting for whatever occurs tonite. Shit Clooney (via Obama) already said today who he feels the replacement should be and it ain’t Kamala.
  4. I really wish if the people who want him gone would ALL come together in one moment and do this swiftly. As many of us have mentioned this slow drip, drip, drip, and this newly mouthed word salad that continues to happen from those on the Hill is weak and pathetic and quite frankly pussy. Either finish come together in one voice and finish off his chances for a run OR get behind Kamala. It’s not that hard for me. At all. I don’t think he can run 4 more years. And I’m not sure he can run at this pace for the next few months. But as many have said it is about the party and voting against Trump. This slow taking potshots at him on a daily basis is sad. It is devoid of courage. Either have the courage to tell him to go or have the courage to fight for him to stay. This middle of the road show us more is bullshit. This is heartbreaking to watch for many of us. The middle of the road afraid to speak their mindset is the equivalent of the below:
  5. I think bc all of his predecessors at this point in their presidencies have had double the number of pressers (modern era.) Last night flipping around channels one strategist I saw cautioned not to set the bar too high for this. All indications are Biden is continuing to fight on. The wait and see more shitshow crowd is getting to see more of him ensuring every single appearance is ranked and rated against the debate. Keep showing us they keep saying! For those who want him gone they need to speak as plainly as Fetterman has been when advocating on Biden’s behalf or they need to shut the fuck up. Don’t speak at all. This wait and see more crowd speaking word salad can get bent. Either get behind him or get behind one replacement candidate.
  6. I will say this: I’ve really grown to like and respect Fetterman. Guy is loyal. Guy is gearing up for a fight. I get it’s personal for him. But you can’t buy that kind of loyalty in Washington DC. I wish we had term limits. No way this happens this way if all the cronies weren’t absolutely afraid of losing their individual power. It’s crap. I get Fetterman is fighting a losing battle with his brass knuckles but I’d rather go down fighting with him than the shit shadow games that are being played in response to all this. If the only solution is to take out Biden and scream about the threat of Trump then they deserve ALL the blame and the credit for what happens next.
  7. Support Harris. Threaten everyone who steps out of line I guess. It is hard for me to fathom that there was no backup plan for defeating Trump. It’s like watching a team prepare a few weeks for a Title game and right before it starts forfeit (aggy)
  8. And we are watching the CHC and CBC be undermined by their own party. If Obama ok’d the Clooney hit piece then this is just the beginning of what will be destroying him short of mortally wounding him if Biden continues to dig in. It will also largely harm Harris as she is part of the ticket. So you will have some of the party mad Biden is pushed out and not vote, others supporting Harris, and others supporting a candidate yet to be named. All the while telling us, Trump represents the greatest threat to the country and the world we have ever seen BY ENSURING that they put up a candidate that has no hope of winning. What in the fuck????? I get that Trump is good for fundraising for Dems. I get it. But they are handing him the White House. And possibly the Senate and House. This is the solution? Help me understand this. You can’t tell people that Trump is Hitler 2.0 and then say your solution is to destroy your own party rather than fight. And then later blame the voters.
  9. So let me understand: as of now Biden is not stepping down (but it’s fluid and the clock is ticking) he could announce he’s going to step aside or he may fight until the end. the Dems haven’t outright bludgeoned him to death they are just watching him crawl around wounded while yelling encouraging comments about his accomplishments and legacy. Obama may or may not have approved Clooney’s hit piece on Biden that the Biden campaign tried to stop from being published. Dems want him to drop out but they don’t seem in agreement about supporting Harris. And if it’s Harris and not a blitz primary or open convention they may sit on their hands and watch the country and the world burn around them. And That many voters will feel betrayed by the entire fucking process and that whoever the candidate is may outright revolt. ok. And this is why I want a legit third party. The Repubs will let Trump control everything no matter what so my small sliver of hope is he is only running for a full pardon and will step down a few months after possibly winning. So I guess watch the VP sweepstakes which is very fluid and may be none of the top three candidates. I fucking give up ladies and gents.
  10. Makes sense. Everyone is speaking in Biblical parables. If they start quoting scripture though I will assume they are indeed trying to summon Him. i get it. This situation sucks. It’s unprecedented. But I keep thinking (I think in analogies) what if I walked into a Porsche dealership. I’ve done all my research. I know the vehicle I want and I can pay for the whole thing in cash. A salesman whose sole job it is to sell me that car is like, “ma’am that’s a great selection. It’s the most expensive one on the lot. This will really help me with commissions and my quota for the month. But don’t you want to go home and think about it? Maybe you should wait a few days and go to other dealerships. The clock is ticking though so choose wisely.” like I’d go buy a car somewhere else. I don’t understand why people can’t speak plainly. I get they are upset and confused and anxious. But it’s like they are waiting on someone to tell them it’s ok to defect. Fine. The clock truly is ticking. Did they all smoke opium in their meetings yesterday and tell everyone just to do whatever they feel is right? 10 lawmakers doesn’t a revolution make.
  11. Is there a reason why so many are speaking in code? Are they waiting for Schumer or someone else to say drop out before they utter the words drop out? I get a lot of Dems are conflicted and that this is unprecedented. Everyone who has uttered “drop out” acts like they have the right plan and they know what will happen. Sorry 😞 but they don’t know. this drip drip drip of defectors isn’t helpful. Like do it all at once or don’t do it at all. I assume those speaking in word salad are waiting on a signal from someone. I assume that is Schumer. If he says it will they all follow or does it have to be someone else? Who are they waiting on?
  12. It’s a challenge for sure. With the secret service. Who’s with me? Just kidding omg. I don’t see any other way out other than him stepping aside. Bc if the Dems in Congress are divided their constituents are divided. If he is forced out the delegates and those they represent will be angry and dismayed. The average person isn’t watching all this shit and posting about it, they may feel disenfranchised and just not vote. If he steps down but says it’s for the future of party and country it will open it up for Kamala. I do think an open convention at that point would be dead. Just roll with her. Close ranks and get excited about her and whomever she chooses as a running mate.
  13. No idea. 🤷 probably. I mean the stuff he has going this week has been planned for some time. Situation is very fluid. I guess. So unless it’s an additional presser probably? It would be odd to announce while NATO is here to say he’s stepping aside and not running. If it is an additional presser I fear it’s doubling down. As the division causes the party to collapse. For someone who saved the country from Trump to then hand it right back to Trump along with Congress and a stacked Supreme Court Biden’s legacy will not be treated kindly it started with his decision to run again. He faced little opposition to that. And had he stuck with what he’d said prior to the 2020 election that he’s just there to be a placeholder and to pass the torch We aren’t screwed like this.
  14. Repubs decided to enter the mess. Which was inevitable. Joining the circular firing squad. “house oversight committee subpoenas WH aides over Biden’s health.” Lewis Rothschild : Say what you want. It's always the guy in my job that ends up doing 18 months in Danbury minimum security prison. Biden is going to give a major news conference tomorrow. Also breaking news.
  15. I don’t know why it was done. There are a couple of theories. But anyone who has ever been around someone suffering some type of mental decline has to know you can’t manage what they will do in public. I took my aunt to the grocery store shortly after her diagnosis. It was a shitshow. She kept insisting out loud that HEB (Austin) wasn’t going to let her leave the store. Kept telling customers that if you are from Dallas they won’t let you leave the store. She’d never done that before or I would never have taken her to the store with me. On the drive home she was rocking back and forth crying saying, “Coco (my nickname) what’s wrong with me? My brain doesn’t work. Just run me over with your car. I can’t make my brain work.” You can’t manage what someone who might be in some type of mental decline will do. You can’t. There is no way to predict it. You can give them a teleprompter. Put a voice in their ear. Give them note cards. But once the decline starts hastening you can’t predict what will happen even if you are right there next to them. I wish it were not this way. But it’s where we appear to be. Kindest thing would be for every senate and house dem demand a meeting with him tonite. Tell him to drop out. Tell him he has no choice. That’s all I can think to do. Depressing af.
  16. If it isn’t stopped tonite I can say tomorrow will be bad. He’s going to answer questions. In front of the world. In front of our allies who are already nervous as fuck. I would never do this to someone I cared about. He won’t be able to do it. If he was able to do it he would have run into the press room the morning after the debate or the Monday after and Andrew Shepard style take care of it. He can’t. He hasn’t done it bc he can’t. This wait and see attitude people around him in power keep saying is going to backfire worse than the debate and it will cause people to not trust the party. In the process.
  17. I’m probably not the best person on this topic. I get emotional after losing my aunt to early onset dementia and my grandmother to a different form of it. And we aren’t sure what is wrong with him. But damn y’all my aunt was a microbiology major. Graduated with honors. Worked in that field in the public sector. She was smart af. I watched her deterioration. From someone so smart to someone who didn’t know what a fork was for. To basically sitting on the floor and putting fake jewelry in piles and staring at it. Three socks on one foot. Two different shoes on. Couldn’t tell you what time it was or what day it was. What happens when he looks at words at the teleprompter and no longer knows how to say them? You hit plateaus and then a cliff. And it’s readily apparent to most of us that care about him as a human that it has to stop today. Or his dignity and his legacy will be stolen from him in the cruelest possible way. Truth. Sorry. they will have to use the 25th amendment and it will be ugly. I don’t know what else to say. Someone who knows Jill and others in that circle has to care enough about him as a person to stop this before the public spectacle of it is all anyone will remember. And they really will lose the House and Senate. Not just the presidency.
  18. So Clooney says 3 weeks ago at a fundraiser he saw 6/27/24 debate Joe. Not the 2020Joe. We see him attempt go off script/notes/teleprompter and when he can’t retrieve the word he wants he can’t complete the overall thought.i just watched a clip of him from the NATO summit do this and he veered off tried to cover and had to go back to the cards he was holding. Normally that wouldn’t be concerning but you factor in his shuffle walk, falling down, his grip strength, his inability so far in the last year 1/2 to go unscripted and have the kind of town halls that 2020 Joe would have slayed. so Biden’s people wanted the debate as a shot of adrenaline to the campaign going into the convention? So my question is: who the fuck close to him wanted him up there without a teleprompter? Who the fuck has spent 24 hours with the man that thought he could handle an actual debate? Which technically wasn’t even a debate. They had to know this would go to shit in a hurry and it did. Was someone trying to expose this on purpose? Because unless his inner circle is fucking delusional they had to know he would absolutely destroy himself in a debate.
  19. Not a good start today reading from cards at NATO Summit. Tried to speak off the script. Went right back to script. I want to cry. 😭 I’ve been there with relatives. It’s sad to watch. If Dems want him out then a united damn front. No defections. Everyone on same page. It’s too fucking important. Either all together behind him or all together forcing him out. Strong arm. Remind him this can and will get ugly. The division hurts all of us. Jmo. again I’m not some political bigwig or donor. I don’t know anything. But that which cannot continue won’t.
  20. He won’t be able to keep it together. I had this dream (yes I know it will never happen) that Trump only wants to be President for a month. To get pardoned/saved and he will feign some health issue and resign a month in and it’s really the VP nominee sweepstakes that we should all be watching. Trump hates living in the WH. Does he really want to do this shit for four years? He likes rallies and stuff where people chant for him but he hates all that stuff like the actual President activities. Camp David. He thinks the actual White House is a shithole. He just wants to win and raise money for himself and get a full pardon. I should stop taking gummies before I go to bed. That was just a dream. Not gonna happen. Sigh….
  21. I know eventually Dems will be on the same page. Likely after the Repub convention. I don’t think Biden gives Dems the best chance to win the Presidency. But I’m not a pollster nor strategist. They have all said what a threat Trump’s winning is to the the country and the world. So get on the same damn page, not this dribbling leaky faucet of defections. Either have a meeting with everyone and tell them to get on board or everyone agrees Biden has to go and you form a united front of both the senate and house and tell him it’s over. He felt like he won the past two days with support of the HC and BC as well as NATO speech. it just has a frog in the boiling water feel to it. Paralyzed with stages of grief feel to it. Focus on the senate and the house races I guess. The truth is Cheeto is unpredictable and ultimately the more he talks the more he turns people off. Maybe they are banking on the Repub convention giving them so great talking points. George Clooney, Stephen King, etc…calling for Biden to step aside I’m not sure moves the needle. Maybe it does with the undecideds. George ripped him today. Saying he saw him 3 weeks ago and Biden just ain’t the same guy.
  22. I really do think it might actually help the country if the two parties were to fracture. Maybe we get better candidates. There has to be a shade of something other than just red and blue. It hasn’t worked for people like me in a long time. I have no idea what it would look like but I’d rather that than watch Biden at the Dem convention pull a Jerry McGuire and yell “Who’s coming with me?” and basically it’s the black caucus riding a dead donkey off a cliff. Or on the other side see a Repub platform that Trump will claim as brilliant! He wrote it! It’s amazing! Everyone in the history of historians will agree it is amazing! And a hale bopp comet sucks most everyone up. Except the ones in the party who made a deal with the real aliens which is why spaceforce exists and Biden expanded it. maybe we need a third party. Maybe we are better served and can hold more ppl accountable if we aren’t going to do smart things like have fucking term limits.
  23. Truth. Vote. Vote early. Election Day should be a federal holiday. I don’t know though if I’ve ever seen a campaign despite people saying they’d vote for a dead skunk over Trump, that’s ever worked where the party is saying, “it doesn’t matter who is at the top of the ticket it’s a vote against X.” It would be like committing to a church where you like the building and the congregation and everything about it but not know who the preacher is going to be or be like. Sure you want to fight Satan and your only choices are stay at home, go hang with the devil or go to this one church. I don’t know that it will draw in enough independents to beat Trump. He’s not bringing in many new voters and likely won’t after the convention but Biden is dropping voters. And the fear is people will sit on their hands. Maybe they won’t maybe the Repub convention will scare them. It’s not easy to predict bc this shit has never happened before,
  24. Thats my understanding of the Democrat bylaws for convention. But it’s like never fucking happened so….uncharted waters. speaking of reporters we need more reporting like this man. He is amazing!
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