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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. I don’t care if this is just for Austin. But shit is getting real in Kansas. Toto go home! not sure where I should put this. (this guy may be my favorite of the storm chasers this year—he got incredible photos outside of Canadian at the start of the wildfires.)
  2. I don’t know if he qualifies as a celebrity…but I if you’re not familiar with him, reading his story is a must. I’m not complaining about personal shit in my life again. RIP. I can’t imagine how he was able to stay so positive.
  3. I figure the least they could do if the rats are high is order them some pizza and Girl Scout cookies! FYI, Trader Joe’s has Kringles again. Hot damn.
  4. Harpo what dis snek? About two feet long. I might not have noticed it but I was out walking Bevo (female dog) and she noticed it. I never can get a great picture of sneks I encounter. For those of you following crime stories in the news I’m still in Atlanta.
  5. Are high rats part of the enshittening?
  6. People have already torn apart the “photo of Kate” from yesterday. bizarrely hideous PR.
  7. Flying seems like a blast right now with planes malfunctioning and pilots malfunctioning and passengers malfunctioning. Good times!
  8. Like a lot of these cases lately…the stories keep changing and evolving. Thats the thing about lies. I think the bulk of the information came from Caleb’s friend’s mom? At any rate, I think like a lot following his disappearance he met someone on SnapChat for whatever reason and something happened with that person.
  9. A lot of what I read suggested he walked the dog and returned. Was on Snapchat and went out again without shoes. If that set of facts can be believed.
  10. Like what rail are we supposed to be on at this point? I feel like all this shit is connected. It’s already off the rails. Maybe she was poisoned by Russia. And the rest of the family is being blackmailed? Who knows? I do find the below tweet or whatever kind of interesting. Must have missed it scanning through X trying to stop WW3 and find Kate the last many hours.
  11. This picture making the rounds today is already being debunked as a picture from last Christmas. Maybe they can’t make her do anything? None of the attempts so far have worked at all. It could be as simple as she’s upset about something and just wanted a break and thought people would leave it alone. But then people were all like “what kind of abdominal surgery causes a recovery through Easter?” So then the RP walked it back and said, “she’s in recovery and she ain’t coming back until the trooping of the colors in June and all yall need to fuck off” basically.
  12. He looks really bad. His lips are blistered and his fingers have been doing the sausage thing for a while. Since before his coronation.
  13. Rumor from Japan is it is either stomach or pancreatic cancer. The PR is pretty disastrous for Kate though. It is also said that Camille doesn't like Kate stealing her thunder and doesn’t like having to share events with her. And Camilla is going to be subbing for Charles for most all of his engagements.
  14. Yes. The Queen is dead. Some majorly fuckery going on with Will and Kate. Harry and Meg in exile. The Royal family has paired down. If it were 1300 France would invade. But everyone should read the Slate article I posted above. The author has the right amount of snark and humor and not wanting to write the story type of deal but it covers all the bases.
  15. This is the ONLY picture they have of her since Christmas. That they said can verify. Thats not going to quell shit. Maybe she just wanted to take a long extended vacation after a routine hysterectomy but the PR on all of this is fucking Church of Scientology awful. Meanwhile King Charles who has been surprisingly open about his cancer (just not what kind) is in a way daring her to fucking do something. Made all these videos for the Commonwealth day and he looks exactly like someone with cancer going through treatment would look: This whole deal is just worth for the memes and gifs among the many Royal bots telling everyone to “leave Kate alone” and she had nothing to apologize for (like I totally don’t believe she sat up all night with adobe photoshop and inserted herself in a picture with her kids.) Some fun ones making the rounds today. Thomas Kingston who mysteriously “shot” himself and was involved with Pippa at one point is part of all the recent rumors as is William’s paramour and pegging partner. The main theory is he wants a divorce. Or she’s having some mental thing. Or she had a baby with the Thomas guy. The story on his sudden “suicide” is odd. Afterwords Wills was seen in public with bruises in his neck. Theory is Kate was banging Tom. Who the hell knows? How hard is it to take her to KP and have Charles and her wave from the balcony? Hes working and he’s got an excuse for missing engagements this story from Slate is perfect discussing all of this: (highly recommend): “The Kate Middleton Situation Was Already Weird. Now It’s a Lot Weirder. An extraordinary error by the royals.” https://slate.com/human-interest/2024/03/kate-middleton-news-photo-prince-william-instagram.html
  16. Quite a few people following the whole KateGate shit believe that this death of a royal type is somehow connected: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/03/01/thomas-kingston-cause-of-death-revealed/72808565007/
  17. We are a bunch of “tragedy pimps” up in the Daily Texan and the Cloak Room. I just learned this phrase from my nephew and felt I needed to use it. But it’s true. Probably the king of tragedy pimps worldwide is @Brisketexanbut we can’t be sure.
  18. All I know is prestigious news organizations asked the RP for the original shots. That request was refused. That is why the kill shot issued by AP and Reuters and so on. No other reason to issue a kill shot. That’s very rare given all the photoshopping that happens in the industry and in this day and age you get a retraction or something similar.
  19. Sorry but too good not to share. I am also sure tomorrow we will be learning way more about why a news organization issues a kill shot.
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