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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Nicole44

  1. Well this game sucks too. Flat out ass beating. I was gonna root for the winner of the other game no matter what. So go Clemson. This is embarrassing that our conference rigged our championship game to get into the playoffs with a team with no defense. UCF got double fucked

  2. Let’s never go for it on 4th down!  It’s kinda disgraceful to the teams that weren’t handed the golden ticket by virtue of who they are to the playoffs and for them to not even fight or try is a a fucking insult. 3 points? That’s all you can manage? They shouldn’t be punting. The refs should just tell Kelly it’s no longer an option

  3. I’m sure Mack Brown can find some room for Major. Houston is sure full of themselves. 8 wins and we will fire your ass. Good luck getting a coach who will be looking at two years and they are fired if not playing for a MNC. I know Applewhite really shit the bed vs Army but U of H is to blame for hiring him as a HC in the first place

  4. Ok. Nice try Notre Dame! Solid effort. Throw the Book at Book. Once again ND underwhelming as has been the case my whole life. Always ranked so high and thought of so highly. Absolutely shits the bed when they make it to the show. I know UCF lost their QB but I hope they win again this year just to prove that they deserved a playoff spot 

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