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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Nicole44

  1. 13 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

    Because people want to watch brand name football.  UCF is the generic right now and just barely starting to build theirs.  Networks and sponsors pay for audience and UCF ain't got that yet.  From the perspective of those 2 it's a business.  Right now, UCF is about where TCU was 15 years ago in that respect.

    Either you’re a Gator fan or... give me some context man?

  2. 3 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

    UCF just crawfished from a Florida matchup because they thought they were too good to agree to a 2 for 1.  I remember Southern Miss used to say anyone, anytime, anywhere.  Obviously Central Florida is more interested in feeding their persecution complex than in actually doing anything to fix their terrible scheduling.

    Then why not do away with bs conference affiliations? Also, I hope UCF wins. Sorry.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Blanton said:

    They’d be fucking destroyed by any of the top 4 teams, etc. They played a complete shit schedule. Fuck them getting in over a team that played full slate of meaningful games. They can take their mythical-mythical conference championship and shove it up their collective Florida trash asses. 

    Why not see your point? The truth is, the plain truth, big schools don’t want to get their asses kicked. Not good for business. UCF wrecked Auburn last year doing it mostly with a one handed (granted it’s not a deficit)man. Let’s have our bowls and bullshit then. The truth is most people don’t want real playoffs bc without a conference they’d have no arch rivals. 

  4. Why isn’t anyone outraged that UCF is again not in the playoffs? Which they deserve to be no matter what shit conference they are in and who they play. No big money dipshit guys want this to be like basketball.

    Saban is only protecting his turf which is “beat me and then I will bitch about how you did it”. God I hate Sooners but lights out cunt. I hope they rip his ass wide open. 

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  5. We’ll probably get gashed on the run. Georgia on the pass. If officiating stays fair (not suggesting it won’t and I don’t think the outcome would reflect it) I’d imagine a low scoring game unless we aren’t conservative on offense. If we play to our opponent-low scoring game.In that scenario, On offense they have the upper hand (mix in our inconsistent punting and FG game) Georgia wins. We throw like a mofo we can pull this off. Long way to say we need to just stretch the field. But I think we can. If we do we win. By two TDs. I just wonder how our Oline holds up. 

  6. So far the two most entertaining bowl games have come from Big 12 teams. But this is why until (if ever) we have a true playoff system our conference should be in them. 

    If you weren’t entertained by the the Cheez-it or Academy sports and Outdoors (indoor) bowl then your heart is made of stone. It’s to be entertained. I have no doubt Iowa State will do their best against Washington State as well. 

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