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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. Convince him to run and an independent
  2. they vote for Cruz if Jesus was running against him because Jesus had D next to his name
  3. I really want one of those inflatable HIMARS for the backyard (I swear is for the kids)
  4. Good episode by John about the stuff with election denial and fox https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-problem-with-jon-stewart/id1583132133?i=1000601082803
  5. At this point North Korea has better testing and success on those then the Russians, North Fucking Korea
  6. Could it be that they are rationing ammo right now since they are running low or have inflated they numbers due to corruption? The $ was stolen and they said they produced X amount when they didn’t?
  7. These dudes want sooo bad to be in Hollywood umbrella such as actors, musicians, comedians etc
  8. Yea so true!!!! and why hasn’t he fixed word hunger as well
  9. Secret service couldn’t guarantee his safety on Ohio and have no issues in Ukraine
  10. If Jesus came back and was a the darker side in skin color, those people would nail him to a cross for disrespecting the real Jesus
  11. This will be like all your All Pro players returning from suspension at the same time.
  12. Just think of them as Russian generals, useless
  13. Send his ass to USA for the trial and recommend execution for trying to destroy our equipment. Or strap his ass to a Himars rocket in Ukraine
  14. Maybe we should care about it and all, people lives on the line and would improve the supply chain if less train derailments but maybe the train companies would have to spend more $ on safety, maint etc but they won’t
  15. Ask yourself this, how does the supposedly #2 rank military in the world with all of the might such as airplanes, subs, ships, weapons that rival the usa etc have such a hard time taking over a country that they consider to be very inferior to them in every way. Don’t you think the Russians should be performing better 1 year into the battle? Not looking at this thread, wouldn’t you say they should be doing better with all that we have been told by Russia how good they are?
  16. Thoughts and Prayers should do the trick
  17. Slightly Disagree here, maybe these dudes said fuck getting blow up and let’s stall some, how do we do it, let’s get stuck over there
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