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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. Pppfff who needs regulation on shit like this, muhhh freedum to inhale these fumes
  2. The earth gonna clean the pests to help itself
  3. I want to know their location so I can stay away from them, they are like magnets to school shootings
  4. Why is the owner getting the credit, give it to the coaches and players
  5. I mean want options they had? Question leadership and test Newtons laws of gravity? They said let’s make some money and hope he changed his mind or gtfo
  6. Man score the TD and play the game
  7. He big time for sure, getting to call SB this early in his career
  8. Hobby Lobby dude behind them and he doesn’t like gays so maybe he should listen to the ad?
  9. Wait, Jesus loves the people we hate, then why don’t you change your ways and love them as well? Isn’t that what Jesus would have wanted?
  10. Premature electrification may be the best commercial
  11. That was a nice move to get him from NY, worth the draft pick
  12. All this dumb talk about escalations, so Russia can do anything they want and if USA supports Ukraine they are escalating the situation, who comes up with this dumb shit. So what; what Russian gonna do about it?
  13. Ukraine meme war on another level, they are really getting great at it
  14. This just means they lost 70% plus of the good useful tanks, the rest is the shit that’s in really bad shape due to the corruption
  15. I love how it’s always dems fault when republicans do messed up shit. Rs overtime Roe after saying they would and dems get blamed. so to echo that thing -Nicole brown Simpson is at fault for getting killed by oj because she should Have done more to not let it happen. -Tyre Nicholas should have done more after getting pulled over and he wouldn’t be dead -Rodney King should have done more and wouldn’t have been beaten. -Ukraine should have done more to make Russia happy and it wouldn’t have been invaded. -Texas people should have done more so they didn’t freeze in the ice storm because the grid failed, if they just moved to Cancun it would have been fine maybe we need to start blaming the right people? Noooo, dems fault
  16. How are the tax dollars going to pay for the cleanup and remediation of the area. Cause company will go we don’t have the funds asap
  17. They need long range weapons and some cluster ammo, some jets would really fuck then up another problem becomes, at some point the soldiers will go fuck this assault when everyone is dying, I ain’t going
  18. They really need to learn to take a win and move one, most of the time they are like republicans just bitching about nothing
  19. What pussies, say China postponed and we going to Taiwan. blow the balloon up and call it an accident
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