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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. Did he mention how many mms he used, I am sure he knows the #
  2. The eastern block really needs to change their education in school to teach about all the bad Russia did to combat the home teachings
  3. Yea that’s my thoughts as well. I think the leadership their knows that if they can’t feed the ppl, their heads will roll and a coup can happen.
  4. Wait what? That really happened?
  5. I don’t think the Ukrainians give a shit where the weapons are coming from as long as they getting them. This could be a few different things, Iranians trying to make some $ by selling to anyone 3rd party brokers being used to supply Ukraine Iranians sticking it to the Russians Other countries giving their stock to Ukraine
  6. They really are afraid of common ppl catching on that gov can help them out and want to squash this asap
  7. Maybe already on here Serious condition? He is probably crispy condition
  8. If he did the peace sign, he would have broken the internet
  9. As they saying goes Never get high on your own supply, this also applies to propaganda, seems like copium is really strong
  10. The turtle worked very hard to get the judicial branch in their pocket for future events to go their way and it’s working better then expected
  11. They end up In prison, USA shouldn’t lift a finger to get them out
  12. This guy needs to get out of the closet , no way he doesn’t fantasizes about penis
  13. Like these people care, anything that helps average Americans is bad and it’s 1000x worse if a Democrat does it
  14. The caravans are coming tenfold back but this time with Afghans jihadist
  15. She should have been talking about them daily and pointing to all of the events they did, fuck the “fuck their feelings” crowd and go after them, they will just cry more, show what they really are
  16. It really does, the dems should throw some $ and start going door to door to get ppl registered, go through the black churches and get them active in the process. It could get the Rs on the defensive there and allocate $
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