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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. I wish he would have used that space lasers lady…
  2. I wish he would have used that space lasers lady…
  3. Dark Brandon throwing major shade out there, moar please
  4. They probably faked this and will ask for donations to grift
  5. As a leader of a powerful country, when do you go, I am going to fuck these guys for disrespecting my country and my name. This would be a perfect time to do it, FAFO moment. Better put some respect on the name moment
  6. Pretty much, I think Russia will just settle in the land until the west gives up supporting Ukraine and keep the land, with no major offensive by the Ukrainians nothing will change in terms getting land back. They need long range weapons to get on the offensive and some planes. Russia has time on their hand and will throw bodies at the problem, the leadership won’t change in Russia. Once winter sets, the Ukrainians are in trouble with no way of heating most of the places since all central heating is destroyed or getting supplied by heating sources. Europe will get strangled in heat demands due to gas shortage and will fold. Besides the USA, Europe isn’t doing much for weapons support. Russia has the people and weapons to drag this out and get the land.
  7. Looks like Dark Brandon is having a great affect on the party
  8. sorry but these are too good not to post
  9. about fucking time they called them out.
  10. The Dems need to hammer this part by shitposting but they don’t have such a team
  11. Old ppl vote and young ppl have usually been absent on voting in large number, that changed in 2020, hopefully they have substantial voter turnout to celebrate the benefits they are getting.
  12. This is really good but I think it will backfire and lose ppl who would have voted D because of of the propaganda of free money and pay your loans
  13. The question becomes can “Europe” survive that long with gas/electrical prices that are really high and that their industries get affected and have to shut down and lose of jobs etc? I think Europe will fold like a house of cards before winter months and pressure Ukraine to sign a truce to stop the war. Germanys support is shit and come winter they will support Russia. Russia will dial up the propaganda and blame Ukraine for the gas/electrical prices and it will work.
  14. Yup encourage them to form trump party
  15. He can kill them with kindness as well
  16. If someone decided to make a Chinese soup out of it, would we get something like Covid on steroids?
  17. The Dems should be really driving a wedge against the Regular Rs and the trump Rs (yea I know they are almost the same) to make them stay home in November
  18. Turkey playing both sides as usual but they are sending support to Ukraine, probably more then Germany
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