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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. Doesn’t our capital building have fucking camera around the perimeter and at the entrances if it? shouldn't they identify everyone of these VanillaISIS fucks who were all there? I know we have face recognition softwares everywhere
  2. The Dems are so bad at this shit is sad. They need coordinated message blaming all the Republicans who let trump get away with shit last 4 years, tie Cruz, gentz etc to him by the him. Keep on repeating the same message. Follow the republican script, don’t let them remove themselves from trump
  3. Reason 874 why the Dems are bad at winning or changing idiot people minds. They should be on tv right now bashing the republicans for allowing this to happen and blaming them more then trump for this. They need to be targeting the senators who are up for re-election in 2 years and tie them to trump. Benghazi and capital overrun with the deaths. the Rs will just blame trump and escape untouched. blame these fucks and tie them together
  4. The republicans found their next Benghazi and will undermine anything Biden does: You think they were doing voter suppression now; just wait what kind of shitty laws they will pass, don’t think they will let black ppl vote in the states that are part of the lawsuit. don’t think we will see mail in ballots for next 50 years
  5. They won’t believe it if Biden wins. they will only believe the integrity of election if trump stays in power, period. They are beyond help....
  6. It doesn’t matter what legislation gets passed by the Dems. The Rs will just whine, complain and lie and it will work. They will blame the Dems for not getting anything done while they have the presidency, rinse and repeat. The Dems will issue some mandates for masks and lockdowns and they will use that for next 3 years to win seats. The Dems would get blamed if there was an Astroid coming towards the earth
  7. If there is a 3rd party, it will just take votes from the Dems, the Rs could shit on their voters dinners and slap their spouse around and they wouldn’t lose any voters
  8. The gop isn’t going anywhere, they will morph more into Trumpism then anything. They will dig deeper into craziness with the help of ONA/Parler etc. They actually did well this election, they gained more house seats and didn’t lose any majority at the state levels, why would they change. they just need 1 senate seat and they will crush the dems in 2 years for house seats
  9. The Rs are going to block every prominent Biden cabinet positions that’s worth a shit. They want idiots in those jobs. i hope the Ds just put them in positions as acting and let them do their jobs or at least make them deputies. they aren’t going to allow Warren to treasure sec. they will win one of ga senate seats and it’s over
  10. They need to get rid of these losers and get some pit bulls in there who are ready to get dirty and go after someone of course they won’t And they go back to being nice This is like having a losing season under Strong and deciding, they let’s keep him more and maybe something changes
  11. Besides being giant pussies and not attacking the Rs and playing nice. the Ds suck at getting their message address. They talk to ppl who they think are intelligent and rational. They need to figure out how to talk to full blown idiots and stupidfy their message for them. the Rs have that figured out, they turned Benghazi into a story while the dems can’t make 240k Americans death stick stop being nice snd get on the offensive
  12. No wonder the republicans hate this guy, he is packing wood, screwing women and getting paid. Doing all things they can’t do. It’s starting to be penis envy with them
  13. They need to stick to 3 topics at most with all the dumb ppl out there, repeat the same points over and over again at them. Every debate should be using them. memorize what they said and when and repeat it. The Rs just use 1 point over and over again
  14. This is how the Dems should be asking, talk slowly and just throw shit in their face. I wish more of them would do this.
  15. The Dems will Take it up the rear end, not do anything about this and go with the usual plan, we need to work with the Republicans. Rinse and Repeat. Not A Damn thing will Come out of this
  16. How this weasel casually left out that he worked for Fox News in his Twitter, no strange thing with that
  17. We are talking about Dems here, of course they gonna pull every negative add there and show us how to work together with them
  18. This is why dems never win; right when something good happens they change the strategy and become pussies. start attacking the whole rep party, show the ppl that science still matters and use every word with Covid against them. Hit them right now and continue to hit them. Go After every senator who’s seat is available. get on the attacking, stop being nice
  19. He is right about this one, they just don’t care
  20. Dems really gonna fuck this shit up. Get the people some masks and sanitizers and tell them to go out there and make sure they vote and are registered
  21. Of course; the campaign is the most important thing and screw his sucker dead son, right? Because supporting the president is #1, who care what he does. At end of the day, his base doesn’t care and will call the soldiers suckers and losers. This will not sway any trump voter in the slightest. I mean all the generals he insulted nothing happened. Mathis, Kurds, McCain, all losers. there is no bottom and no matter, they will support him
  22. This, the army of Sauron will be voting like their leader tells them to, this will be a very close election and of Dems don’t show up; they will steal it. the reps will get them mad and march to the voting booths
  23. Their plan is to make enough chaos where ppl don’t give a shit and they will just declare themselves victorious and it will work. The republicans will cheer for it and it will be over. The Supreme Court will agree and there is nothing that will be done
  24. Why the fuck aren’t they grilling him with his dumb answers, Such as He works 24 hrs a day, how is that possible, he has been golfing every 4th day, how is he working why can’t they grill these fucks
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