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Everything posted by Gengs1

  1. The Saudis are our friends as trump Said, I am sure he got a nice payday out of it
  2. If you clearly showed them how the Corp are fucking them over they won’t believe you. They will blame the crop but vote for Rs and they will preach small business while doing everything against those areas
  3. Encourage them to not use face masks and hold hand holding prayers or circle prayers, this will assist in Darwinism
  4. You are underestimating the brain dead votes, these are the ppl who are protesting now and will ensure to get to polls once it gets close. They will be convincing everyone for trump
  5. They say, it’s ok he said some stupid stuff but takes actions. It boils down to this; as long as it got an R to their name they don’t care, they really don’t care. They will defend him all the way to their grave. its a cult and it’s only getting worse
  6. Absolutely none, his base isn’t budging 1”, they will support him if their entire was killed by corona. 35% of population will support him no matter what, and I mean no matter what
  7. They believe that the dems are using the virus excuse to kill the economy to get rid of Trump And strip them of rights, as he called it a new dem hoax. They think this is way overblown and only happening in liberal NYC and if they open the country back up, everything will turn out fine. Trump wouldn’t lie to them. They are only protesting against the Ds because they are trying to Flatten the curve, there is wide open Iowa and it has no issues? Sweden is open and doing well. They went their messiah to be right and libs to be wrong. They don’t care about any of the current Dead ppl, this is a D plot to strip their of their rights. They have no empathy for anyone only for their way or life, they don’t want to sacrifice anything for the greater good. They are protesting so they can get their hair done and buy lawn fertilizer (let that sink in). Their motto; Fuck you, I got mine and want to continue the way I have been.
  8. He can live steam them while they are in the convention centers, win win
  9. We should be sad because he believed in a cause and died for it? lets just celebrate that he died for what he believed in. that makes it better, right? At what point do you go like, shit; should have listened to people who know shit, instead of idiots.
  10. It ain’t dripping below 35%, of those ppl Daughter was raped by trump they would still support Him and hold her down
  11. Obama needs to be out there campaigning like he is running for a position, he needs to get the base unified. biden needs to pick Warren, Sandars, Harris as VP
  12. Democrats are giant Pussies, their candidate didn’t make it and they won’t vote for the other candidate. they don’t care about winning, only about their guy winning. while the Rs are together on their bullshit, the Ds are tearing each other apart and doing everything against Biden
  13. So what’s the problem then? see it we win win for everyone
  14. I think they will have a breaking point
  15. As long as it goes to ultra rich and corporations it’s all good. helping the common folk is socialism, helping the rich is capitalism
  16. What Fox News is doing is showing “doctors” who they know will push their views to the viewers. This is another attempt to downplay the experts by putting any quack with a doctor degree. They are doing this intentionally to show that hey the doctors are telling us is fine. this is pretty scary
  17. Feel bad for those kids, gonna be dumbasses by listening to mom
  18. Fucking scary of how much they underfunded or took away money from CDC but hey they closed travel to China
  19. Someone should have said the virus has Hilary emails, would have solved the problem
  20. Part of the plan, attack anyone who is competent and gets shit done. They want to drag the ppl to their level to show how gov is not functioning. the other 29% proudly wear their red hats
  21. That’s all knows is what’s on TV, he sees it on tv it must be good and knowledgeable. you can see with listening to Kim K; We need to add the honey booboo to the health department and we are set. fuck the nerds who don’t look good, they are losers to him
  22. He thinks he is doing a rally every time he gets in front of camera
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