They believe that the dems are using the virus excuse to kill the economy to get rid of Trump And strip them of rights, as he called it a new dem hoax.
They think this is way overblown and only happening in liberal NYC and if they open the country back up, everything will turn out fine. Trump wouldn’t lie to them.
They are only protesting against the Ds because they are trying to Flatten the curve, there is wide open Iowa and it has no issues? Sweden is open and doing well. They went their messiah to be right and libs to be wrong.
They don’t care about any of the current Dead ppl, this is a D plot to strip their of their rights. They have no empathy for anyone only for their way or life, they don’t want to sacrifice anything for the greater good. They are protesting so they can get their hair done and buy lawn fertilizer (let that sink in).
Their motto;
Fuck you, I got mine and want to continue the way I have been.